Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Blood is in the street, Buy, Hodl or sodl. What is your bear market strategy?

"the time to buy is when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own." Is a famous quote by the Baron Rothschild, an 18th century British nobleman and member of the Rothschild banking family. Bitcoin is 75% down from All Time High, many altcoins are even 90%+ down from the ATH. Blood is in the streets what is the best strategy during a bear market?

My bear market strategy

In these times of downward spirals and growing unrest I would like to share my investment ‘strategy’ which is helping me stay calm throughout the chaos and keep my priorities straight.

Instead of going all in on moonshots or engaging in tribal fights about forks and tps projections, I allocate a decent size of my portfolio to projects with a relative high degree of adoption and that are keeping their heads down and focussing on servicing the ‘real world’. We all want mass adoption for every project and I hope we will get there, but we may be quite a while (several years) away from seeing actual mainstream disruption take place.

I believe that the projects that are already successfully embedding themselves in the markets they aim to improve will be the first to show substantial, inherent growth. Projects that could survive another potential crypto crash, because they have a growing number of real clients that generate real value for clients and consumers

My general guidelines:
1. Adopted or adoptable by non-crypto industry

  1. Steady business and healthy growth in clientele

  2. Working product

It’s a bit of a bitch to research for these projects and there is still some speculation involved, but it does help me sleep better at night. Some interesting examples that I think fall into this category are:

  1. GET

  2. BAT

  3. Flixx

GET Protocol (GET) is a Blockchain event ticketing protocol, selling tickets since 2016 and steadily growing. The GET ticketing protocol is built on the Ethereum blockchain. Over 120,000 tickets in the Netherlands so far have been sold using the GET protocol by ticketing company GUTS. GUTS Tickets is an the ticketing company using the GET protocol and is rapidly growing with the support of some major artist in the Netherlands. It already has over 1 Million Tickets lined up to be sold on the protocol by the end of next year. The buyback mechanism ensures that the token value is directly derived from the number of tickets sold via the GET protocol. The first buyback was successfully performed last quarter. The get protocol generates revenue from outside the crypto economy, the sales of tickets. Therefore, the value of the token will in the long run not be dependent on the crypto economy, unlike for instance an crypto exchange. As long a GET protocol continues to generate revenue for its clients, its here to stay. Not dependent on whether other cryptocurrencies will be adopted or die out eventually. That is why I think the GET protocol for is crypto bear market proof.



BAT is the native token of the BAT browser

The BAT browser is a quickly growing with over 4 million monthly active users in September, 4M users 21K verified channels, 26K publisher accounts

Basic Attention Token radically improves the efficiency of digital advertising by creating a new token that can be exchanged between publishers, advertisers, and users. It all happens on the Ethereum blockchain.The token can be used to obtain a variety of advertising and attention-based services on the BAT platform. The utility of the token is based on user attention, which simply means a person’s focused mental engagement. The token value for BAT depends on the utility of BAT in the BRAVE ecosystem. The value therefore depends on the number of users of the BRAVE browser. The number of users of the browser is quickly growing, therefore I think BAT will survive the crypto bearmarket.

Flixxo (Flixx) Decentralized Videoplatform by Co-Founders of Popcorntime. Content creators can set their own prices. Watch ads and get paid. Buy access to videos. Hundreds hours of content already available. Demand comes from advertisers, slowly but steadily growing.
These are just a few that (mostly) fit the bill. For me, finding projects that are down to earth and making tangible steps into adoption keeps things fun for me and helps to mentally survive the inevitable downturns in price and sentiment. Would love to hear your approaches.

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