Friday, December 28, 2018

03/Jan/2019 Pushback

On 07/Dec/2018 a proof of trust event was proposed for 03/Jan/2019, it has since been referred to as a bitcoin independence day, proof of keys, a crowd sourced audit, and many other things.

The idea was simple, for a moment in time let us all control what we own, prove it is ours, prove it exists, ensure it is not being used for anything else. By coordinating to a single target time of 16:00 UTC, we may expose any agent who is untrustworthy.

Now, we are to believe that almost every method of storing our own money: hardware wallets, software wallets like electrum, brain wallets, complex seeds, all cannot be trusted. Pushback, Why.

Have no doubt, some of those you trust cannot be trusted, cabals operate, manipulation is rife, fractional reserve is practiced, some of you own paper bitcoins backed by nothing, and huge amounts of money are being used for the interests of a few, and we, we are the ones enabling it.

For one day, one moment, let us not enable this.

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