Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Nano holders should join the Bitcoin "Proof of Keys" campaign to take your coins off exchanges on January 3rd.

I've seen a lot of buzz on twitter on the last few days about the "Proof of Keys" campaign which aims to get all bitcoin holders to remove their coins from trusted third parties, particularly exchanges, and to hold them with their own private keys on January 3rd. The date is chosen as the 10 year anniversary of the first event on the bitcoin blockchain.

The event aims to get holders to exercise their monetary sovereignty regularly while giving an incentive for many users to take their coins into ownership for the first time. This will increase technical literacy in how to set up wallets allowing coins to be held under a private key by the owner and how to transfer from exchanges to wallets (and back). It will also act as a test to ensure that some exchanges aren't 'fractional reserving' their cryptos.

I think the Nano community should join in the campaign and aim for as much Nano as possible to be moved from exchanges for January 3rd. This would have the same benefits for bitcoin holders of symbolically showing our complete ownership of our cryptocurrency and encouraging people who only have Nano on exchanges to make the leap to using a proper wallet.

Additionally, if it was tied in with a campaign for choosing good representatives, this could further reduce centralisation of Nano's voting weight (Binance representative holds 24.7% of voting weight at time of writing).

Even if it was for one day I think this would be a great show of unity by the community, although I suspect that once people have moved their Nano off exchanges they will only move back what they intend to trade in the short term, resulting in long term improved decentralisation of representative voting weight.

As a start I'm moving the 10% of my stack that I keep on binance to my Ledger until after the 3rd of January (at least).


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