Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Rumor has it: XTRABYTES Volume 1

Rumor has it that XTRABYTES has not shown any tech, for 2 years.

This rumor comes from our friends in the trolling section, who we generally ignore. Rather than posting in a comment war that simply results in people closing the thread due to boredom, I felt it best to lay the rumor to rest here in a post that can easily be read by anyone curious to know the truth.

a.) Borzalom (lead developer) was awarded control of the original copy/paste *Bitmox* code on April 7, 2017 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1793468.msg18500780#msg18500780 and continued cleaning the code afterwards.

b.) Sometime prior to XTRABYTES being officially born, the initial PoSign (Proof of Signature) consensus algorithm was added to the chain and was running with the original PoW as a backup in the event that the PoSign mining stopped for some reason. *this was easily evidenced at the time by seeing new block creation occurring with no PoW miners operating... the chain was being built by block creation from the earliest version of PoSign* Seems to me that this was an early release of tech and is one of the reasons XTRABYTES started to gain traction.

c.) As time passed and development demands increased, XFUEL was released as Proof of Concept for Proof of Signature (PoSign) and this displayed a chain that was running with 100% PoSign only. Again, a light version of PoSign, but indeed this was another tech release from XTRABYTES.

To reiterate: XFUEL is not a patched Bitcoin clone chain, like XBY which currently runs with PoSign on the original patched Bitmox chain *XBY’s real day in the light will come after they can reveal the rest of the tech and present the world with the full version of PoSign*. XFUEL is a chain that runs with STATIC nodes and the PoSign Lite algorithm. Here are instructions we shared for those who wish to validate that XFUEL uses PoSign technology: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1864397.msg24198245#msg24198245

d.) Although it is true they have only 1 developer working on the core currently (Borzalom, the inventor of the tech being patented) it is very important for the people not currently involved or invested in XTRABYTES to understand that there is actually quite an impressive team of nearly 50 people working on various sections of the company. One of these sections is the XCITE platform.

What is XCITE?

This is more technology that has been displayed (although currently blacked out until completion) and will be the control panel of the XTRABYTES blockchain platform, as well as its wallet and communications application. Interestingly, it is rumored that this XCITE Interactive Terminal will contain both XBY and XFUEL in the same interface.

e.) Another tech that is rumored to be in development is XCHANGE, which evidently is an exchange (DEX).

So, to say that there have been no tech releases from XTRABYTES in 2 years (this means forever) is quite simply a lie.

Can we say that they take too long? Well, not knowing what they are developing, other than the rumor that it is game changing, revolutionary tech, I think the answer to that is no. How can we judge something we know nothing about?

Something different definitely appears to be happening at XTRABYTES and wise investors know what to do.


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