Monday, November 11, 2019

The DEFINITIVE GUIDE to the BEST BITCOIN CORE FULL NODE, LND NODE, ELECTRUM SERVER and a lot of stuff all in one, and all scripted!!! Open source and free for almost all the features!

After some year playing with full bitcoin core nodes and lightning network nodes, starting with a nice project like raspibolt, i can tell to have found another project that is awesome, i challenge all of you to find a product with all of these functionality and starting from 0$. It calls myNode (this is a screenshot of the app

I discovered it by chance reading a post from the main developer here on reddit, and I wanted to discover this fantastic software to all bitcoin and tiny hardware enthusiasts like the raspberry pi that want have at home a swiss army knife :) .

Think of an automated script that takes care of configuring everything without you having to do anything. Does it seem strange to you? Try this app!

If you want more informations, please check the website and the telegram official channel with more than 150 guys happy to have discover this awesome application ->


best hardware to buy: (

- raspberry pi 4 with 4gb of ram

- power cable

- hdd or ssd of 1tb

- hdd or ssd adapter to connect to usb3 of raspberry pi

- micro sd of at least 16 gb


best bitcoin full node software

- mynode -


some characteristic/functionality:

- open source

- free for basic stuff

- github -

- tor enabled by default for bitcoin core and lnd

- vpn

- full bitcoin node

- lightning wallet (lnd)

- simple ui / web interface (screenshot of last release:

- bitcoin explorer

- electrum server - btc light wallet server

- ride the lightning - lightning wallet

- lnd hub - lightning wallet server

- bitcoin cli

- quicksync - quickly sync bitcoin blockchain

- lnd connect - generate qr codes for connecting wallets

- ln channel backup

- lnd manage cli tool

and a lot of stuff will be added in future like..

- joinmarket

- btcpay server

- liquid sidechain (blockstream's elements)

- samourai dojo (whirlpool)

- blockstream satellite cli


steps to use it (

0 - collect hardware

1 - download image from site

2 - flash image

3 - boot device

4 - enjoy


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