Monday, February 17, 2020

Introducing Burni: Proof-of-burn based NFTs with client-side genesis hashes

Most of the blockchain-based digital collectibles have a valuation based on their rarity, attributes, or connection to a particular brand.

Burni was created to inherit a valuation via proof-of-burn (see: proof-of-burn:

The way it works, is fungible ERC-20 tokens are destroyed, or burnt up in the forging of new ERC-721 non-fungible tokens. Each token can set an IPFS content identifier multihash a single time, connecting the token to real-world assets and peer-to-peer distributed content. (see: Why IPFS?:

A distributed pseudorandom genesis hash is calculated as:


The genesis hash in combination with the underlying CID multihash, and the delay between minting and setting this value allows for flexible data structures and client-side state hydration options. For example, a MerkleDAG multihash can be used to point each token at the other for collectible mixing with genesis-hash entropy.

Running a genesis hash as a latent space seed through a GAN results in a unique photo-realistic image bound to the token. This never-before-seen cat is the result of one such token:

As the base token used to mint the collectibles is "used up" during the minting process, there's a deflationary process akin to a virtual resource being consumed in the creation of new materials. The NFTs have a getValuation() function to find the amount of Burni used to create the NFT.

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