I know lots of people are going to jump on and downvote me and say thaiphoon is safe. and to be honest, I'm not 100% sure that thaiphoon is what caused this, but the timing between the events make it hard to think it was just a coincidence. So please please hear me out first:
I was talked into syncing my memories because my BF5 stuttering "must be a memory syncing issue", and multiple people both referred me to this video "https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=376&v=KOqhyVNPhaM&feature=emb_logo". Which askes users to download thaiphoon burner and the DRAM calculator developed by a guy in Ukraine.
When I try to execute the programs, windows warned me against it since it was trying to make changes to my system, so I hesitated and looked around online, and most people say that thaiphoon burner is known to be safe and will trigger most antivirus as false positive, so I went against my guts and ran it.
I am usually a very very careful person but I was desperate to try to fix my stuttering issues, and the fact that everyone is using it and it's recommended by a youtube with 400k subscribers, what could go wrong right? So I let that program run.
The next morning when I was trying to do a virus scan (which I should have before I ran it) I found all my antivirus programs, avira, windows defenders, ALL DELETED, without a trace, vanished, windows won't update, system got corrupted, windows defender is blank screen, all gone, antivirus, firewall? Gone. And running that program was absolutely the only thing that could possibly have caused this, the only thing else I did yesterday was watched some youtube videos , absolutely no other changes to my system what so ever, de nada. And even the night before my avira and windows defender were both still running.
When I tried to update my windows it would give me an error code and would not allow me to update to fix me security issues, and when I reinstsalled avira clicking on "security scan" does absolutely nothing. I honestly have no idea what could have caused this besides having ran thaiphoon burner, it's just too big of a coincidence.
Oh, and 2 days after that, I got a blackmail email (looks auto generated) with my old windows password telling me they got lots of my other passwords too and if I don't want to have embarrassing videos/photos of me distributed to my friends on "that social media site you use"(no seriously, those were their exact words, lol), I was to give 2000 dollar worth of bitcoin to them.
All this just seems... way too convenient to be a coincidence.
I waited 2 weeks to talk about this, because I thought that the only reply I will get is people telling me how thaiphoon couldn't have done that and I must have done something else to cause the malware/virus. But look, I really am generally a very careful person (due to my paranoia), I keep my av and malwarebytes up to date and scan regularly and I am careful with what links I click on and such. I am generally very careful and this was the only mistake I know I could have made.
I still decided to post about this because A. If there's anyone who can help / give me an ease of mind, I think you guys would be it. B. If this really IS a security issue, I would like to let you guys know.
I can't remember the version of thaiphoon burner/dram calculator I downloaded, but it was whatever it was about 2 weeks ago.
I have already formatted my SSD and reinstalled windows, but I can never know if this really fixed the issue, I can never know if other devices on my wifi also got virus, if it's still lingering in my network, I have a backup folder that I don't even dare opening because I'm worried it would spread the virus back to my new system, and who knows what personal info has already been stolen from me, if I could go back 2 weeks ago, I would not buy the lottery or make money off of stocks, I would tell myself not to download or run thaiphoon burner so that I can focus on studying instead of stressing over this for 2 weeks.
TL:DR: Ran thaiphoon burner and DRAM calculator, next morning when I check my antivirus programs they were all uninstalled.
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