Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Open letter to Mister Porter Stansberry

First of all, Hello! 

I hope all is well and you don't plan to die very soon like your good friend Rey Rivera.

But let's talk about Rey.

When I first started on Rey's Unsolved Mysteries case I did not think I would be solving ”who stole Johnny's bike” as some Reddit user (maybe one of yours) mocked me. 

But neither did I exactly think I would be uncovering one of the biggest, most successful Ponzi variant pyramid schemes in the history of the world. 

Now I was very surprised that the FBI ruled the ”ramblings” as paranoid, delusional and with evidence of a persecution complex. The document is quite congratulatory towards you Mister Stansberry, you had done a marvellous job until that point for your patrons, except for the few slaps on the hand you had received for overreaching a bit, the overall tone is very positive towards you, the very able tech savvy guy.

But let's talk about the note shall we. Why would a paranoid, delusional, suicidal man make a great little list of people on which he would put his wife by her maiden name instead as ”my wife” or ”Allison Rivera (wife)” similarly to the other family members.

And also put your own family, several people (who don't all work for you as the media claims) that are members of Bill Bonner's secret society club, The Oxford Club; And Chuck Batchelder (the owner of a local stock corporation) the future Bitcoin Belle and to investment advisors connected to the fund your secret club urges people to put their money into.

I know Rey had attended at least two Oxford Club events, but did he really know Addison Wiggin, Wayne Ellis and Bill Bonner so well as to put them on his little suicide list and wish some reward on them as on to the others? And why would your dead friend be found at Bill Bonner owned properties? And Steve Sjuggerud only joined with you at Stansberry Research after Rey left. So neither would he be close to Sjuggerud, a former higher up of Oxford Club.

Let me tell you what I think. I think this note is partial MoM of a meeting. Do you disagree? I'm sure you will have to. But indulge me a bit. Let's say it is. When could this meeting have taken place? 

Well Thom Hickling ”gave his life for this pursuit” in December and so did Anne Rayburn,sister to George Rayburn (I am told by suicide as well,shocking). So it would have to have been after that.

Ray was at one of the Oxford Club events in March, The Investment U event, the one he was working at when he died. 

Not only that, but this game that was ”so enjoyable” and ”had to end” in Rey's letter happens to coincide with a certain withdrawal of yours and Bill Bonner's from the executive committee and panels of the Oxford Club. Perhaps due to the attention you were receiving because of Ryals and the SEC? One has to protect home base isn't that so?

Let's talk about that for a moment before returning to Rey. Your mentor Bill Bonner speaks so kindly of you in a reply for mother jones, and adamantly sustains what you have already claimed that there is just no profit in being wrong that you don't trade in the stocks you advise on. But for 5k a secret private investor report I should think there is some profit to be made. He also boasts about some of the things you managed to warn about in advance. 

So Mister Porter how can you both be bad and exceptional at your job? I'll tell you how. You're paid to do it. You Mister Porter are the MiddleMan. Well, one of them.

In one of the Oxford communiques it is eloquently explained how to do short selling and deal with penny stock. It also tells you while it is demonised it is not illegal. Well, not unless you accompany it with rumour mongering or pump and dump.

How would this work? I wonder as someone with no financial background. Well, I suppose it's actually as easy as giving conflicting advice and letting your secret friends at your secret club know when your ”advice drops” and when to act.

But what did your secret friends really want in the USEC case. Well. This was a long play game not a short term one. In your speech you so proudly say that all you did was interrupt a monopoly USEC had and if only the people who bought the stock held on to it they would be making money. So I guess you said it yourself, what the purpose was, people just didn't catch on. 

Ah! but alas, The Oxford Club's member list is very very secret. What can be proven though is your place in it. And since we're on that. One of your big accentuated statements in conversations with Ryals was that you have barely had any contact with Jim Davidson (you called him Jim, same way as he is so fondly referred to at times in the communiques) 

In fact, before that time he was very active in the Club. You of course started at the Club, before opening your own branch, The Oxford Club made you. I would assume being on various positions, Advisory Council, Exec committee, you would have no choice but do deal with James Dale Davidson. So why did you deny him so harshly?

I suspect the name Keith Richards in the letter could very well be substituted by James Davidson and the speech in Rey's letter would make sense.

PS Let us not forget naming Skousen, he was a frequent panelist  and active member as well but Ryals did not have the Oxford Club connection, all he had was you being at events together.

While we are on the Ryals subject, both he and the note mention some patent debacle. He talks about a Stanford patent and a Mister Cooke. Who would that be, Boxley Cooke or Mr Cooke Senior, the father of his beautiful wife Julia Guth Cooke.

But let us get back to Rey. He is the reason we all are doing this. The three friends that found him. Steven King and George Rayburn specifically, not the rookie they dragged along to ”find” the body. 

They were both rising stars of The Oxford Club. While George had remained affiliated with Stansberry for a while, he is now VP at Oxford Club, imagine that. But King did not work for you at all, he was an event manager of sorts for the club. Following year he was in the exec, well done Steven. All in all both rising stars of the club.

Now I am just going to be upfront, after publishing my research on a discussion board that was swiftly taken down, someone PMed me a confession. A confession to lead every enquiring mind to you Mister Porter. 

Amongst the things this person said where that Thom Hickling was a whistleblower that was chirping to someone already connected to Agora. He alleges that 9/11 was the reason Thom wanted out in the first place, and that he tried to recruit Rey Rivera but he refused, explaining why Rey was being watched and the break-ins etc.

What I found interesting was that he said that it was you specifically who called Rey to meet up and forced him to take a sprinting jump off the building. And the Netflix episode points the finger at you as well.Heck, everyone out there is trolling your social media accusing you. But Mister Porter you, I'm told, had an alibi. 

So what is the catch? Are you ready to give your life to this pursuit of wealth too, or do you believe you won't have to?

Because to me, all the evidence points to The Oxford Club and your secret secret friends.

George Rayburn was hanging around a gay bar whilst waiting for his buddy King to bring the third witness, witnesses say Rey had a fight with someone at a gay bar prior to his death. 

This person that gave me the ”leaked information” alleges there was someone in the room while the body was on the floor, so access to the place was needed.

Rey's missing money clip, the fact that Cheetos leave the stomach way earlier than 5 hours as Mikita alleges she heard the bang at 10pm.  

Web of lies. He was never on that roof. He died shortly after he got where he was going.

And I don't believe you gave the order. 

Now I am going to tell you the trouble with secret societies, brotherhoods and secret friendships. There is a narrative surrounding it that makes you look insane when you dare speak the name. And that is exactly what happened to Rey. How convenient don't you think?

But one has to ask who really is delusional here, someone seeking an abstract power through wealth or someone believing that there are people out there that have succeeded in what we all want. To be top dog.

Freemasons claim that their pursuit is making men who are their friends better psychologically, at least this is how they explained it to me. But now, the way I see it, that can only be achieved by training empathy or psychopathy.  Care to venture which one it is? 

If Rey was seeking information at the lodges it was because he was looking at someone not because he was insane.

Of course the lodges would consider the club you were part of to be one of the organisations that they call clandestine.

Interestingly enough this little club you are part of even had a Rothschild on their wealth protection panel for years.

You often refer to your top secret investors as masters, and in one issue you attribute star names to your investors in your All Star Portfolio. 

And then there is that line that just cannot be placed in the screenshot of the cut up note. 

”I know the importance of our servants that is why I cherish them as secrets.”

This line exists, you can see it in the photo of the note still in the baggy it was placed in.

Couple that with all of the mason talk and the information someone gave me about how certain organisations separate minutes in a meeting by saying Junxit Mors Non Separabit, a question begins to peer its head. 

Did Rey Rivera even write the note at all? And who cut it up?

The confession I received to make me stop said Rey wrote it that way so Agora would think it was nothing while specifically implicating you. But I believe the code cannot be completely cracked by anyone but the ones who agreed upon the code. You being one of them.

Allison Jones ”Rivera” came out and said that she knows what all of them mean separately she just doesn't understand why Rey would have it. I find that a very interesting thing to say. Couple that with everyone pointing the finger at you, one wonders if Rey wasn't doing it for you to have leverage.

So let us join you Mister Porter Stansberry, and your secret secret friends, on this endeavour to find the truth. But not for its own sake. In accepting this quest for the truth, we all hope to make ourselves, with your help, into people worthy and ready to receive it. 

I think during this crysis other people could really use some of your truth to keep, especially the US who you predicted would fall. (the interests in China are going very well aren't they)

After all, what are masonic type organisations (recognised or not), but a very successful mafia that have elevated street smart to something that belongs in a castle.

A castle  like the one Bill Bonner sits in, drinking wine that he caters to the Chairman's Circle and training the next generation of psychopaths. 


Just a regular person.

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