Saturday, August 22, 2020

Roger Ver has contributed more to Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash than just about anybody

It is illuminating and saddening to see the same Core & BSV style tactics being used by top ABC supporters to defame one of the most noble and generous members of the community.

Here's one example: -

This is probably just the start of the dirty smearing campaign against those who are against the tax. I warned about this 2 weeks ago, and preceeding this I believe I was the first to predict ABC would pull another IFP in November.

ABC is playing a game of mutually assured destruction, they are losing on every front. The strategy is to do as much damage as they can on the way down, "strong commitment". If this is anything like similar events: character assasinations, stalking behavior, mass reporting/censoring, lawsuits are all possible. It is really unfortunate.

This probably was predictable with the "miners are freeloaders" meme. Or that Bitcoin Cash business owners who do not fund ABC are "freeloaders". Well, good call Roger on not sponsoring them more, and thank you for dedicating so much of your life in your effort to spread p2p cash to the world.

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