Sunday, November 22, 2020

Make a Prediction - $10,000 in BTC to Be Won!

Create an account on coinmarketcap and binance to participate — enter three time slots when you think Bitcoin will hit $20,000.

How does it work?

  1. Log in to your CoinMarketCap account to participate in the prediction game, “When Will Bitcoin Hit $20,000?”

  2. Bind your Binance account ID to your CoinMarketCap account.
    *Please note that this address will be used to distribute your potential winnings.
    **Each Binance account ID can ONLY be added to one CoinMarketCap account. Please make sure to use your own account ID accurately .

  3. The time slots you can enter are hour-long time periods (e.g. November 21 5:00 - 6:00 AM UTC). The earliest time slot you can choose is 24 hours from when you participate.

  4. You can ONLY enter up to three time slots. You are able to update the time slots any time before this event ends. If you update your time slots, your previous slots are deemed invalid.

  5. The price of a BTC/USDT trading pair on Binance (shown in the chart below) will be used to track and determine the BTC price movement.

  6. When the price of BTC/USDT on Binance hits $20,000 for the first time (“Event Trigger”), the date and the hour will be recorded as the winning time slot.

  7. All users who predict correctly will be ranked based on the time they entered the time slots — which means you should start predicting right away! The reward structures are as follows:
    1st place: $2,000 in BTC
    2nd place: $1,500 in BTC
    3rd place: $1,000 in BTC
    All the other users who entered the winning time slot will share $5,500 in BTC evenly.

  8. The prizes will be distributed to the Binance accounts of the winning participants within five working days after the completion of the event.

  9. The event will end when either of the following happens first : 1) The date Bitcoin hits $20,000; 2) January 19, 2021 UTC

Good Luck!

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