Friday, January 29, 2021

So yeah the WSB/$GME thing might be a psyop

SS: Yes there are some real elements here. However hundreds of blue checks are hopping on board to give their "opinion", which Musk at the top as the "benevolent" billionaire who is now the richest on the earth post-pandemic. Mind you, Musk is the poster child of the 1% who like the others want to make you believe their success is based on a system of meritocracy. He is no different from the rest, yet sheep will flock to his gospel like he just came from the mountain top to save us from the evil billionaires. Wait what?

Also actors such as AOC will spin this as yet another division strategy to empower the "eat the rich" crowd. More progressive blue checks will hop on board to strengthen this position. OWS 2.0

Like bitcoin, this was all created to give the illusion that some type of major economic reform (but really just new tech and new regulations) will be taking place to equal the playing field, conveniently (suspiciously) after the economic destruction that lockdowns generated. Is it any wonder why the 2008 crash and the 2020 crash are being conflated as the evil doings of the 1% and sole driver of the volatility and then only a month into 2021, the MSM dropped CV fear porn in exchange of this new zeitgeist ONCE AGAIN while not even addressing 100s of thousands of people on the verge of becoming homeless? The fears and uncertainties of those hurt by lockdown are now being used as milk to be churned to what will be THE event horizon of the 3rd decade of third millennia. The great reset

Don't be fooled, the status quo will remain and the poor will still be getting poorer and the rich will be wealtheir they have ever been after the smoke clears. Allowing some redditors to become deca-millionaires in the process is a small price for the elites to keep blinding you from truth.

Yes, the MSM, and hedge funds, the politicians are all in on it. It's a show, grab some popcorn but realize this is all a chess game to them. They ALREADY know the outcome of this and any new reformation is NOT to benefit you. Dont be naive.

I am not here to discourage any movement, however, like bitcoin, I am skeptical of the narrative.

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