Sunday, February 7, 2021

Bitcoin was never meant to be a peer to peer cash.

Bitcoin is a not a p2p cash it is a new world reserve currency. Let me tell you why..

So I've been thinking lately about bitcoin and money and where the world is going and all that stuff. And I went back in time to 2017ish where there was a lot of debate about performance of bitcoin as a p2p cash and how it was lacking in that department, the debates on what it is and several different camps of opinions all trying to grasp it the best way they could.

The more I see how things are evolving and one day I was thinking and it hit me - bitcoin was never meant to be a p2p cash and that was Satoshi's intention all along.

Bitcoin came to be at the time when the world was trying to recover from a financial crisis as a response to it. Yes it was quoted as "peer to peer electronic cash" in the WP, but the more I think about it, I'm starting to think that perhaps Satoshi's genius extends even further.

Just think about it - if somebody came up with an idea and called it "the new world reserve currency" it wouldn't catch interest of any normal person or a nerd. Perhaps some finance person but I doubt it, they would have laughed it off as they would lack the capacity and imagination to understand the value of this invention. AND if it was promoted as something "rare" and something to be "kept" bitcoin would have never spread as everyone would try to hoard is from the start which would have hindered it's adoption greatly and perhaps even prevented it from taking off the way it did and in time to perhaps come save us in the next crisis.

Perhaps even the high fees were/are a blessing in disguise, making people think twice before sending as to maybe help them hold onto whatever fragments they own as by that time its true value have begun to show.

And last but not least - the message imbedded in the Genesis Block says it all. It clearly points to the major fuck up that has happened and the subsequent events that have unfolded including further devaluation of the dollar.

It is said that the lifespan of a reserve currency extends to about 100 years, and that means that the grim reaper is getting ready to come for the dollar and take it to the other side... we are due for a replacement and the replacement is right here.

Satoshi must have been wise beyond any living soul to even disappear without a trace in time. Imagine being THE person to dethrone THE dollar with your invention, the god and the devil in one person, perhaps he whoever he is was would already been jailed or murdered. Imagine the predicament when bitcoin takes its place as a reserve currency as well as having the keys to the original wallet... I am certain there will be statues of Satoshi all over the world, one day worshiped like a god with religion in the true sense of the word.

The true flippening is on the horizon.....and I guess in retrospect, it was inevitable.

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