Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Remember Musk changed money before!

Hear me out from an objective standpoint. Think of it as a movie script. After you've read this script let it sink in, then comment.

All of Elon Musk's entrepreneurial endeavors are geared toward establishing a new country on mars that is self sustaining, self governing. Recognized or not, no one will be able to do anything about it. Nobody has the physical means to.

He will break away from earth and leave all that is twisted about today's society behind.

Bitcoin is one of the tools to make the martian utopia happen. That is why he is on board.

At first in his earlier years, Elon has tried to make earth a better place by revolutionising money, transportation, energy, communication, ...

Really tried hard. More than any of us. He was rewarded for that in being the richest fella on this rock.

He's been ridiculed, mocked, opposed, scoffed,... But there he is.

Some time ago, he had enough, that is when he started the starship project.

There was some event in his life that made him decide and realize that this society is a sinking ship and nobody can do anything about it anymore. Not even him. It will run itself to the ground.

He gets it. We are just trying to fill out pockets as much as we can, running round like ants, going nowhere and with no other goal letting our ego's blow up.

The implication of a breakaway society on mars however is that almost no one will be able (or even allowed) to be part of the first settlers. This will leave us here in turmoil for decades to come.

Society WILL fall, because of greedy self destructive evil men and women coupled with limited vision and vast resources. There is no evidence that beyond propaganda and populism anything is actually changing for the better. It gets worse every year, election, protest, ....

The upside is that all of what Elon will achieve on mars in the meantime, will eventually trickle down to earth and change humanity for ever. It will take decades to get a smooth running society up there.

Once humanity has all but destroyed itself, we will be looking around in the dust, thinking all this makes no sense anymore. Finally the rest of us will wake up and think what have we been doing, what was the point of all this nonsense.

Slowly we will start to implement the societal model mars implemented.

Bitcoin is the cornerstone to societal transition. That is why Elon Musk is on board.

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