Thursday, April 22, 2021

How crypto saved me!

So, we need to jump back a bit for this self story. It was around 2015 (or was it late 2014?)when I started investing rather small amounts in crypto.

Basically Bitcoin back then, but throughout the year I ventured into altcoins. I don't even remember which ones I really had, but it were 7 or 8 different ones. That being said, my investment was rather small. I believe usd 300 give or take a few dollars. I didn't purchase at once but small amounts over time; I wanted to HODL long term so didn't pay too much attention to the actual sum.

Anyway, I kinda 'forgot' about my coins. Of course I knew I had them, but my life was busy and I had a lot of other stuff to do, so I didn't track my portfolio at all. They were just laying in my wallets. I wasn't invested in crypto at all for a time as just other things had priority. Didn't follow up on news or anything really. I just dealt with life outside the crypto world.

Fast forward to 2017. My life took a turn after a few events and left me with not much money in my hands (or bank account). The events that led to this aren't really relevant so I just leave it at that. By 'not much money' I mean having to calculate really good how much I can spend on groceries. Doing anything else that cost money or eating out? Forget it. Didn't even think about that stuff. Came as hard that I struggled to pay rent... And at one point I just couldn't pay anymore. I was financially fucked. No one to help out really.

Come early 2018, I was in the shits here and there. Tried to get money every day. And one day, and I remember it really good, I sat on my couch in an flat I couldn't afford, desperate, hungry, and (let's say almost) crying when I remembered. "I got still some crypto! Maybe it's still worth something say I at least get a little money out of it!".

At that point, I really didn't know or remembered what and how much crypto I still had. Are they even worth something anymore? Did the alts go down and my holdings are worth shit? I just didn't know. I didn't have the wallets on my phone anymore, that I knew. But I also knew that when I made them, I noted the recovery phrases down on paper... But where the heck do I have that papers? I searched everything I had till I found them (I hid them... To be secure. Good spot, took me a while to find them).

At this point, as you maybe can imagine, my heart rate was through the roof. I was sweating and nervous. Do I have money I didn't know I have or not? God I want to know!

Recovering the wallets was easy enough. And as I worked through them all (even my btc was in 3 different wallets because I thought it's more secure) and checked prices on sites for everything and counted and calculated what I have, it got clearer and clearer that I have more money than I thought. It wasn't a million, so no I didn't get millionaire, sorry.

It was far from that. But it was way over 2k that I had now. I couldn't believe it! I had a binance account so the alt coins I put there and traded them for btc. The btc I cashed out at the next btc atm which was a miracle for me. I know. Not a huge sum, but at this point, it was for me.

This day I didn't have go to sleep hungry. Or the next day. With this starting cash I was able to pay some bits here and there. The people/companies I owed money could see I was willing to pay and (I am thankful for that) gave me a break and more time to repay the rest.

I am sad I lost my crypto holdings back then, they would be worth WAY more today. But at that time it was the absolutely right decision to sell. I needed to. And it helped me a lot. I am happy I had these investments that literally saved me from way more trouble (and probably getting homeless).

Little story. Nothing spectacular. But I was beyond happy crypto exist and I had a bit.

If you read till here. Thank you :) just wanted to share my rather happy crypto story.

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