Monday, April 5, 2021

My drug use history which changed from few times a year to almost everyday. Few days ago i got scammed and want to change my lifestyle back to ”normal”

Hello boys and girls!

This little story would be too long if i include every detail, so i try to speedrun this.

Before this ”festival” i have mainly used alcohol and nicotine. Tried poppers and weed few times, liked them but never bought or tried to acquire them. Until...

Summer 2018 i went to edm festival in foreing country where i tried mdma, ketamine, speed (euro), coke for the first time. Ecstacy was the shit, holy fucking moly how awesome it was being at main stage with friends, music blasting, fireworks flying and lasers spinning, it was life changing experience. I rolled 3 days in a row (after i learned that it is unhealthy). From that time on i fell in love with edm, festivals and drugs. We started going to events mainly in summer and some raves during fall. Only used drugs during those trips so no biggie, just enjoyed life and enhanced the experience with drugs during big parties, few times a year.

When covid hit 2020 spring, events dissapeared, school halted and moved to remote classes. Had all time in the world and no events anymore. My friend showed me how you can arrange buying drugs from local dealers online. This changed the whole game. Lot of time, lot of money and easy access to substances. Instead of using only during parties few times a year, i started to use at home, friends place, where ever, when ever.

I have not been addicted to anything spesific except nicotine, that i stopped 3 months ago. I think im sort of polydrug addict, i started to think that sober life is kinda boring and certainly fucked my brain chemistry to extend. Working out and studing suffered because its so easy to get good feelings frol chemicals, instead of ”earning” it trought completing something urself.

Anyways my mission was to try almost every drug i could get my hands to, excluding heroin and i.v/i.m ROA.

I have tried at least once or used more:


Mushrooms ( and truffles)




Many different benzos and Z-drugs



Amphetamines (speed, concerta,ritalin, elvanse)



Pregabalin (lyrica)






Nitrous oxide

Opiates from these are most addicting for me, (oxys particularry) Uppers like amphetamine are the most boring (i think it is because i have ADD and have been on meds on/off since primary school) and alcohol, hangover is the worst but with rational doses it’s ok.

My top 4 drugs would be:

  1. MDMA

2.Mushrooms (i have only tried lsd for couple of times on low dose so with more experience it could take this spot)


  1. Oxycodone

Bonus: nitrous oxide is really good combo with all most everything, i ordered it to home almost year in a row, but when i counted how much money i used, i stopped. Now we only order small amounts when we are going to roll or trip

So anyways, i have never ordered anything to me by mail, always f2f deals but recently the sites where people sell and buy has been either closed or Ddossed. Recently i found new site where u could order things delivered inside from my country so no risk of customs intervening ur deliverys. Bulk prices were really cheap and there were drugs that are hard to find locally so i tought ”fuck yeah, i order large amounts cheap and have stock for long time”. Everything was almost too good to be true, spoiler alert: IT WAS. Without lot of researching i just made an account, sent bitcoin valued little bit under 1000€ to this ”account”. Almost right after the deposit i started to look more into it. After about 20 minutes i realised i made a big mistake. Fuck, i obviously cant go to police with this matter. I know i know, im fucking stupid and i will regret this deeply for next few months propably everyday.. luckily it doesent affect me financially a lot but of course i could come up with million things that i could have spent it, instead of donating it to random scammer.

Im somewhat sparing with my money and the fact that i made this kind of choice impulsively for drugs. It’s time to stop. I need to take a step back. Appreciate the moments and memories with my friends and girlfriend using these substances and cut my use of drugs from daily/weekly to every once in a while thing.

This happened last week and now i would like to think that in the future i atleast learned something and it made me want to change my lifestyle and was ”meant” to happen.. i would still like to get my 1k back but it’s life. Things happen and there is nothing that i could do.

I like to add that im studying at University of applied sciences, still have somewhat lots of money for my age and being a student. Good family relations and friends + wonderful girlfriend. Im content with my life and i dont use drugs only to cope with reality per se. But i need to cut back usage when i still have all these wonderful things.

2 drugs i want to keep using for a long time few times a year are mdma and shrooms. After every roll i have strong appreciation of life and gf and friends. I dont have urges to abuse them.

Drugs can be amazing, just dont make ur whole life about using and being high. Sorry for such a long post and stay safe everyone ❤️ we have just one life, enjoy the ride!!

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