Sunday, May 30, 2021

Making the case for MoonJuice $MOJO

Spoiler alert: it won't be no rocket emojis or X1000 nonsense. This is not a shitcoin.

Full disclosure, I am no dev nor somebody from the project. You can check my profile here on reddit. I have over 70k because I paint and sell watercolors. That's what I do.

It just happens to be that I am into crypto and all the money I make selling my art I put it in there.

So why Moonjuice? why $MOJO ?

First of all they are the first on doing this. They are pioneers. This is the main reason I am in this project. They are the first real world Energy Drink backed by crypto. And being

first counts more than anything. That's why BTC is king. That's why ETH's NFT market is king despite the stupidly expensive gas fees. You could do NFT in many other way cheaper and faster

blockchain and yet here we are.

The world works this way. Human nature. So that's my very first and strong reason to be in this project

Second: AMA and how nice people on the telegram group were. I have been in many coin telegrams group and they all give you aids after a while. All same stupid questions, all the same

stupid emojis and instabuys and bot showing charts. Buy the dip,paperhand and rest of WSB terminology

The TG group is fairly small and the mods are really cool answering questions about burns,marketing and future planning.

And that's where my third reason lays. Future

Moonjuice is sponsoring an event where Mayweather is the main event. So even if the fighter is not the main event they are already gonna be there ! Pretty awesome. They are heading

Miami bitcoin events with real can in order to distribute among the people and host a party. Part of the team works as videographers and has plans and the skills to go around festivals showing and passing it around.

Young people (and not so young!) dig energy drinks. And combined with the tech it became a really promising projects. Again, not a shitcoin

With Moonjuice you are literally drinking your investment

Price right now is : $0.000000000157

Market cap : 11M

There 's not gonna be x1000 or 1cent or nothing like this. But once we are back in the bull market + real product ready to be sold in late June we should go to ATH which is around


So X5 once we go back to where we were at the very beginning of the project. If it manages to make its place among energy drinks... then you will be FOMOing

The project is still in an early stage but already delivering. Long term is key in here but not because "they are a disrupting blockchain and crypto with some bullshitnonsense words" but because a real drink , a real product the avg joe will buy. It is gonna be out there.

Once again don't forget to check the AMAs to learn about burns,buybacks and other ideas

The juice is loose !


Contract: 0x8087e4c1735c1373f0d04b88d4dbe1fae1149123

YT :




You do the math

Cheers !

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