Thursday, May 13, 2021

My "Intro to Doge" Story

I just came from a Twitter Spaces event where @MyDogeAccount was speaking and they got to talking about famous "intro to Doge" stories, so I thought I'd come on here and share mine.

I've been following crypto since Bitcoin's very first run, but didn't understand it well, nor was I interested in investing.

But that changed a few months ago. I put 2k that I was willing to lose (but desperate to 100x) into Kraken and immediately started losing it on bad trades and tx fees. No clue what I was doing.

But one night I was watching the charts and I noticed an odd spike from Doge. It jumped so fast in 30 mins that I was positive it would hit $0.01 that night!

I sold everything and went all in on Doge with haste. I remember my first purchase I had just over 97k Doge. As I watched my investment 2x over another hour after we crushed a penny, I panic sold. I was comfortably over my initial 2k investment again! 2.3k or something. So happy.

But Doge wasn't stopping. I FOMO'd in again and had something like 60k Doge. It was massive euphoria. I busted open every Twitter acc I ever made and started spamming the hashtags and tagging Elon etc. It felt dirty - I was basically just spamming something I knew nothing about to pump my bag. But it was really fun!

That night I caught a glimpse of the Doge community, but didn't see it for what it was. I also caught a glimpse of over $8k in my account at one point, but then I panic sold the dip and ended with about $3k. Still awesome.

But then all the fud hit me. I had heard about Doge through memes, and at the time "memecoin" didn't exactly scream "possible 100x investment". I had no clue there was an actual community behind Doge - I just thought it was some garbage coin that people bought for a joke.

So I took that $3k off Kraken after much research, put it into Metamask, bought 10 different altcoins and lost over $1k in gas fees because I just thought that was normal lol. But I did okay. Learned a lot. Made some gains to recoup gas.

And then I found Hoge while researching on coingecko. I found the community on TG and was instantly hooked. It was the deflationary aspect that got me. I bought $350 worth and it is currently 4x. I thought inflation was a dead end in crypto (little did I know eth is inflationary) and so I never took Doge seriously.

But then @MyDogeAccount was talking about how Doge is inflationary because that's how currencies work best - we want people to be able to USE Doge, not just hold it as a store of value. And then he spoke about Hoge as the counterpart to Doge, meaning Hoge is the store of value to Doge's currency.

I really liked that idea, and so I am now going to join the Doge community and look forward to one day using Doge to make real transactions. I'll never forget that I had nearly 100k Doge at one point though lol.

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