Friday, May 14, 2021

Oracle discussion Wolfram/ergo/etc...

With a lot of clear hype, and setup for a large boost in ADA public awareness, many have already invested in ADA’s main coin and are looking for ecosystem investments. With the amount of conjecture and YouTube/public figure manipulation, I see a large amount of shilling for projects which show no actual signs of growth or strength. Ergo seems to be an extremely good coin to look into, Occam seems to be a very poorly run company (or worse scam) out to make for a select small group, and talk of Wolfram’s involvement in Cardano all have peaked my interests. He has given talks at many events and from what I can tell is has gathered info into Bitcoin and ethereum for years in order to have a go at something “new”. This is promising for the Cardano culture, as THATS WHAT GIVE THESE COINS VALUE REMEMBER THAT. ergo is tied to universities Charles has funded(he talks about the team a lot), and it over all seems to be a strong investment. We all can now confidently say that the Bitcoin and ethereum growth is Unsustainable and funding will trickle down to more long term projects with exceptional markets to grow into and a long term ability to exist (Cardano), it will happen soon. I would like to start a discussion with you all on your options on the ecosystem projects specifically with Oracles. If wolfram were to get involved how would this occur and what are the avenues to invest? I am new to this info, but I believe it to not be a coin on the market. I understand the opportunity there but not how it plays out into profit into a oracle they may develop. Also carstarter seems to me to be a scam. I maybe wrong about some info but only hope to hear the facts and to start a meaningful new discussion post to refresh newly discovered info in the community. Thank you and hope to hear from you all!

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