Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Many Venture Capitals Invest In Shitcoin

Many Venture Capitals Invest In Shitcoin

For many people, Bitcoin is synonymous with cryptocurrency, but it’s not really what cryptocurrency traders like Adam are interested in. While Bitcoin and Ethereum are known currencies, there is a strange underworld of different cryptocurrencies. They are called altcoins or shitcoins and are essentially cryptocurrencies based on penny shares. 


We cannot deny the insane growth of Shitcoins, but with it comes the possibility of a sudden fall in prices. Bitcoin has tripled in value, while many legacy coins explode 30, 40 or even 50 times a day. It is unlikely that the development and marketing of legacy coins will ever be considered shitcoin-slow as interest in cryptocurrencies remains high. 

The cryptocurrency industry is a growing new market, making it difficult for investors to draw parallels between real and counterfeit coins. It can be difficult for inexperienced investors to discern the authenticity of a cryptocurrency. The underlying blockchain technology used to manage cryptocurrencies is not familiar to many investors, creating room for mistreatment. 

As with the stock market, there are good and bad investment opportunities, and the same goes for cryptocurrencies. Many Shitcoins were created and capitalized by people who jumped on the crypto bandwagon without doing any research. Many people have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars with shitcoins. 

Luckily for us, Reddit came to the rescue with a guide to detecting shitcoin currencies. The catch is that shitcoins and currencies are considered bad investments because their prices are based on speculation. Everyone has heard stories of contessoto shopping cheaply, also known as crypto-temping.  

Shitcoin is a cryptocurrency that, in a subjective sense, is a bad investment decision. The term “shitcoin” refers to any cryptocurrency that has little value as a digital currency with no immediate or discernible purpose. Conversations on forums and social media tend to keep the wording short because it takes a long time to write about which coins are bad investments. 

Key Takeaways Shitcoin is a cryptocurrency with little or no value, or a digital currency with no immediately discernible purpose. The reduced value of Shitcoins is due to investor speculative interest, because Shitcoins were not created in good faith and the price of the currency is based on speculation. The term “shitcoin” is a pejorative term for legacy coins, cryptocurrencies that developed after Bitcoin became popular. 

A shitcoin is often referred to as a fraudulent cryptocurrency and is described as a bad investment decision. The coin has no use, and in some cases its value increases dramatically. However, the price can also fall, causing investors who buy their coins at a high price to incur massive losses.

Once upon a time there was a random guy in his basement who created a coin and got millions of investors. Investors showed little interest in these coins due to their low risk of participation. If the coin had its true value, it would attract new investors and rise over time.

Investors invest their capital in digital assets driven by a solid ROI. The intrinsic value is the monetary value of a real asset with a steady cash flow. In behavioral economics, the more risk involved in investing in digital assets, the less potential it has, and the less likely it is that investors will want to capitalize on it, because solid RoI does not guarantee risk (by definition, risk is the most likely outcome). 

Some people compare thousands of shit coins to penny shares or small public companies trading for less than $5 a share, but the difference is that most of them were created with a real business model and purpose in mind. Each coin has a unique infrastructure and a different market capitalization. They are called “Altcoins” because they are translated as “alternative coins” and were developed before the famous BTC launch in 2008. 

Coins like Dogecoin offer no real value and thus create the meme that characterizes Shitcoins. Due to the lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency market, fraudulent coins with no real value are used as marketing measures to attract new investors and profit from their greed. In fact, investors call them coin money even if they do not make money, but this is a little ridiculous as they play an important role in the project itself and are not subject to large price fluctuations. 

One should pay attention to how the price of a particular cryptocurrency develops in the last days, months, or years. The value of old coins can vary according to small gestures or events on the market. Whether it is a kind of pump-and-dump cryptocurrency or has a low market capitalization, its price can be manipulated by other investors, and we are talking about several hundred percent increments and discounts. 

Savvy investors are diversifying their crypto portfolios with a range of different assets and products. Instead of investing all of their money in one cryptocurrency, they hedge risks by investing in multiple assets to lower the value of a coin. There is a growing call for investors to consider venturing into cryptocurrencies to be warned about fake traders. 

In the past I have seen several Shitcoins that made it onto the market by being confused with real coins. Dogecoin, for example, what people call an old coin or other shit coin, began as a joke and was almost forgotten for a few months until Internet cryptocurrency number one (also known as Elon Musk) decided to start big. As a result, it is now worth an astonishing $50 billion, more than the value of Ford Motor Company. 

A good example of this phenomenon is the impressive increase in value of XVG, a privacy coin that many people consider Shitcoin. In a very short time (1-2 months) the value of XVG rose to over $8,000, making a small number of believers very rich. Unfortunately, XVG was a product of exaggeration, and its price fell well below its original value.


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