Saturday, September 11, 2021

We will become multimillionaires, heres why.

Back before Shibaswap, many people had hoped that it would change the game. In a sense, it did for the purpose of changing how a 'Meme' token and its community could be so powerful and literally will SHIB into existence and create something from nothing.

The idea and concept brought power, but not really change.

The change (profit) is stunted due to the market conditions.

When ShibaSwap came out, we just ran SHIBs ath and started another downtrend with bitcoin (to 30K)

We've been in a weird place ever since last month when the motion started to change and we recently hit 50K + on BTC.


And now the fun really starts.

The game has begun and no one knows when this thing will pop, but I think....I have a pretty good Idea of how things will turn out

As always, let's start Stock Market.

As I say, AMC leads Bitcoin. You will notice this if you watch a few things. EVERY WORK DAY @ 12:30 --> 3:00 AM PST -- you will always notice big movements in bitcoin, mostly downwards unless its the weekend (trading is closed). This is one way you can see how the market for crypto will move.

If AMC is up, usually Bitcoin is down, vice versa.

Again, their war in the stock market, affects us too.

This is why I tend to always check what's going on with AMC to get an idea on the week.

So for those who trade, well thats your key for trading anything rn. I can't stress enough how important it is to look outside your bubble when asking

WOW WHY IS SHIBA DOWN TODAY, OMG EVERYTHING IS DOWN TODAY WTF. Do abit of Research and you'll start connecting the dots as well.

Now let's get into the meat of the topic at hand

Good ol' 2017.

Now if y'all have read my old posts, you'll understand I'm haunted by 2017. Quite the rollercoaster of new crypto FOMO that I had a pleasure of being apart of and lost pretty much everything

When I say everything, imagine having 2.2 BTC back then and selling it for 6K in 2018 after the fall of everything

When I say it was bad, it was bad -- but also an amazing lesson that molded me in to the ME that is here now.

And so, I bring up 2017 because that was the BEST year for Crypto thus far. This year could beat it, but it was a major BULL RUN.

And 2017 BTC spiked down to 3300$ in September and all the way to 19,000 for its ath in December.

Are you understanding yet? No? Okay LETS GET INTO MY PLAY BY PLAY.

This is how I see the rest of the year playing out.

-- dates etc might be wrong but the order of events should still happen


AMC * AMC hits a spike to 70$ from rn at 40$

Why? Because BTC will dip all the way to 38-40K And AMC is the 'Inverse' of BTC as money Hedge funds use to liquidate assets

BTC * Will dip down to 38-40K Starting SEPT. 15 estimated. Why? Because the pattern is nearly identical as 2017.

ETH * Will dip as well, follow BTC

SHIBA (ECOSYSTEM) * Devs will add 5-10 new pairs * Website UI upgrade end of month or announcement for one * Shiba live on Robinhood & Coinbase by end of month Why? Coinbase & Robinhood planned to list in September since Historically this is the best time to buy for cheap (A good bet basically) *Bone reaches lows of $0.75


AMC *AMC drops down to about 55-60$ Why? Because BTC will start crazy price action up.

BTC * Will rise base to 60-65K pretty rapidly closing in on 70K by month's end Why? Based on the fractals this is where it'd put us.

ETH * Might pump with BTC or moreso if a planned launch for ETH 2.0 is the month after (any news for ETH2)

SHIBA * SHIBA will not rise much this month aside from BTC/ETH price. * Devs will share more on Shibirium * Devs release Treat Plans * Devs onboard 10-20 new listings * Leash Pumps * Bone rises back to 2$+ * Other announcements ....


AMC *Pumps to 200$, an announcement of a hedgefund going bankrupt or multiple, triggers this and starts the 'collapse'

BTC *Rises past ATH hitting 75-90K *FOMO everywhere

Global Economy * Slowly other things start to go down in the stock market * News feeds talk about certain companies not just hedgefunds going bankrupt * Housing Market 'collapse' early phases

ETH * Starts to launch ETH 2.0 and FOMO * ALT COIN SEASON after Upgrade end of NOV * ETH hits 12K ATH

SHIBA *We hit 1200 for the first time since June *INDIA Relief fund sell their 5% *FOMO into SHIBA with news coverage & showcasing easiest coin to get following BTC craze *LEASH hits 8K ATH *BONE stays steady at 2-5$ *Devs launch more Shiba ecosystem and other info *Devs launch 10-20 more pairs


AMC *Skyrockets to 500$ per share, Gamma Squeeze

BTC *Hits 125K+ and is WORLD WIDE FOMO 10x more than 2017

Global Economy * DOW starts to dip by alot * Bankrupt companies, 1st Bankruptcy with a bank * FUD on another market crash at end of month * Emergency USA meeting on debt ceiling & inflation * Gov. Steps in on BTC and crypto

ETH * ETH 2.0 launches. Gas fees are 1/10th the cost * People FOMO into NFTs and ERC space * ETH hits 15K

SHIBA * ShibaSwap has 2B TVL again * SHIBA hits 4000 ATH * LEASH hits 20K ATH * BONE hits 10$ * Devs launch Shibarium * Devs launch 10-20 new pairs * Devs set new 2022 roadmap * Devs set big end of the year meet up * Devs plan end of the year marketing campaign *ShibaSwap is now the TOP 5 DeFI exchange


AMC * AMC starts to dip as US Gov interfere * Shady things happen

BTC *Starts to dip, Falls down to around 90K from 125+ * Gov. Takes action, smaller countries adopt BTC * USA launches its own National Crypto Currency * Debt for the US dollar is fixed makes dollar strong again

GLOBAL ECONOMY * Stock market crash starts * Housing market crash starts * Big Business start to crash

ETH * Pumps to 25K * Upgrade was majorly successful * Everyone is talking about ETH taking BTC on for #1 * Starts a 20-30 day ALT bullrun, extending off BTC


  • BONE governance starts
  • ShibaSwap rewards are released, Many sell
  • BONE dips from 10$ to 3-4$
  • SHIBIRIUM success shakes up Defi World
  • Elon mentions ShibaInu by name
  • SHIBA reaches .00008 ATH (8000) or higher
  • Devs explain the dip in BONE
  • Devs onboard 5-10 new pairings a small slowdown
  • New plans for the year start *ShibaSwap reaches 5-6B TVL even with small selloff of bone *SHIBASWAP reaches #2 Defi Swap *News Articles

This is just my best GUESSTIMATE. With everything we've seen, all the understanding of how 2017-2018 played out, the looming debt ceiling of America and the crisis that is coming

It'll be quite the end of the year I think.

Anyways, lmk what you think .

Maybe these happen spot on, maybe they don't...but I'd like to think that more than 70% of this will happen spot on with +/- a month or so.

We will all be millionaires if you stack up this month.

A lot of people say they know when, but like Coinbase -- its a CALCULATED risk/assessment based on history.

Anyways, thats all from me! Good luck and stay safe thru this rough month!!



2017 BTC in SEPT:


2021 BTC in SEPT:


Also, remember -- BTC tends to be cyclical every 4 years due to the Halving event. This year is that 4th year :')

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