Saturday, December 25, 2021

Delay progress with global unlocks not via adding more bits to hideout upgrades.

IMO it seems like they want it to take longer to progess and upgrade and they use the fastest players as a metric to then add more roadblocks.

Here's the problem, that communicates to everyone TO rush as fast as possible because it gets harder over time, and it also doesn't effectively slow anything in a uniform manner.

Here's the suggestion. Add a global quest for each trader level that must be unlocked before players can individually level that trader. Therapist can want you to heal X in raid, or use Y bandages, Jaeger might be fire X rounds out of a bolt action.

Base the leveling off of a formula of X actions per # of players so that the system can adjust wipe to wipe on how many of those actions need to be completed. So if Prapor said fire 1000 rounds of PS ammo per 50 players to unlock him at level 2 then that would scale to a wipe with 5000 or 50k players. The basic idea is that all of the items would be things that normally happen, kill scavs, kill players, extract, enter a raid, fire some ammo type, buy or use ammo/meds. Playing the game would complete these quests and everyones actions goes towards a community unlock of a trader level.

Something like this also allows for oddball items, ie a double kill or triple kill with a grenade per 10k players means you can add in rarer events happening without pressuring any individual player to perform those actions.

Next up gate Flea behind a Mechanic 2 quest to just extract with ZYX computer hardware so he can "build a fleamarket". Then make it unlock at level 0 for players who join later in a wipe.

Lastly Gate Labs behind a mechanic Level 3 quest to crunch ~1000 hours / GPU's per player for him to "unlock the security system allowing entry into teragroup labs". ( after which you can access labs like you do normally ) ( just running the bitcoin farm would count down the timer, if it were 1k hours per player / #gpus then that's 500 hours @ 2 gpu's and 250@ 4 )

The effects: So right now we have a prisoners dilemma, if you take your time early wipe you will get left behind. Early wipe is the time when there is such a pronounced effect of leveling up traders and getting better gear. If you have good gear against people who can't pen your helmet/faceshield/armor and you can 1-2 tap them it's a different game. On the flipside it's almost a universal truism that everyone says they like early wipe, probably because the game isn't a 1tap facefuckfest for a short period of time before that resumes.

Instead of bolting on more parts to gate progression we need what is effectively a time gate that blocks all players no matter how good you are. Then and only then will the idea of rushing to get XYZ no longer be a thing. Suppose all traders took 1-2 weeks per level, there's no reason to rush and there's more time to enjoy the specific gameplay at that gearset. Roll a pump shotgun and have some fun, you've got plenty of time to grab the things you'll need to upgrade your hideout once the global unlock of trader X happens and you can see the progress on the quest so you know roughly when it will occur. the best part is it's based on a formula, if the community thinks that the traders should be level 1 for a little less time, but level 2 for longer just adjust those variables and that time period can be adjusted.

Thanks for coming to my Vladtalk, in leau of payment please donate tushonkas to scavatemylegs.

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