Sunday, January 2, 2022

Literally can't get hired... Not even in my own workplace. Fucking hell

Spent ten years working at the same minimum wage job while I studied in college. Changed my major several times.... My current job is literally one of the easiest you could ever have (which I like), but I went to college for reason.

There was an opportunity to go full time, so I figured, "I've been here ten years, I'll definitely get it." Oh how naive.

I also had a paid internship doing IT stuff for a year at this other company, but that got me fuck all anywhere.

I earned my bachelor's (which I don't care for) in a logistics related field. I've gotten interviews, but there is always someone better.

I also deliver for Door Dash, and Uber Eats, so i decided to apply to deliver food for a local bakery. They moved on before even interviewing me.

Luckily, I do have a gig working at events, but it is an on call thing. It pays good, but I don't get enough calls to rely on it yet..... That's literally my last hope. And COVID regulations could fuck that up.

I'm 30 years old, live at my parents, can't afford to get out, don't have insurance, the only jobs I seem to have hope at are the worst jobs a person could have and most of the time, those miserable jobs don't want me either (thank God).

My social circle was always small, and right now it's non existent... There goes my chance at nepotism.

I'm beginning to understand why some people turn to crime.. wish I knew those Russians who took out the pipeline for Bitcoin. Jk.... Or am I? 😉

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