Friday, April 15, 2022

Any PHP / Laravel developers working with Hedera?

Working on launching a hedera venture soon, one annoyance is lack of SDKs. The only official ones through Hedera are Java, JavaScript and Go. Needless to say, I'm unhappy about that.

Spent years developing a SaaS ERP from the ground up through Laravel (PHP framework) and Vue among other notables. I'm very proficient with it, and can do so fairly quickly while ensuring security, speed, and functionality. I have thousands of helpers ready for those projects and the framework itself is very very elegant, it's Eloquent ORM is awesome, community is very rich, and ecosystem makes it very hard to go with anything else. I think most laravel developers will agree how much of a pleasure it is to develop with it. But unfortunately currently there aren't many third party packages or wrappers for hedera and PHP. There's one but it's not often updated and mainly limited to validating events. My need is nft and fungibles.

What are my options here?

1) Develop a wrapper / unofficial sdk

- Unrealistic due to time constraints, testing, and ensuring maintainability.

2) Use JavaScript backend and make due

- Not ideal since I would have to learn a new backend framework along with all the proper standards and security measures.

- I don't like JavaScript to exist on the backend.

3) Use Java

- I'd rather kill myself. I'd rather use VERILOG.

4) Utilize Hedera API

- Documentation is super limited. AFAIK the only API documented are mirror node REST api for querying transaction information. As in each mirror node stores the history of transactions stored in a record file. The contents are the only things able to be accessed. All GET requests.

- No documentation on creating headers for specific calls to the network like to associate a token, send hbar, etc.

5) Setup a API node server with the Hedera SDK. Then have it communicate to the Laravel Apache server via local api. The laravel backend serves the MVC for the overall app. The user interacts only with the views and data handled by laravel.

- Somewhat realistic albeit not optimal either but likely the leanest of the approaches.

I'm leaning to #5, but don't feel happy about it.

Don't get me wrong, if I had a lot more time I wouldn't be against going down the route of JavaScript, but resources / times / and learning curve are all factors that make us building the application in JavaScript not worth it.

If there was a PHP / laravel package for Hedera, I could shit out an MVP in under a week. But with the other languages, it would elongate the timeline significantly.

This is putting us in a difficult situation because most other popular networks have PHP / laravel packages like etherium, bitcoin, algorand, etc. And we're soon expecting pressure from a potential large partner who's recently been asking why we don't build on Etherium or XRP (📷).

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!

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