Thursday, July 4, 2024

The "Live On Dash" Project

The Bitcoin white paper started off with the following sentence.

" A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution."

DASH has achieved this. DASH does it with almost zero fees, and it does it with great speed. So why have we not achieved worldwide adoption of this wonderful cryptocurrency? It seems to me that the main focus of DASH in recent years has been on development of new features. While those are great, I believe the greatest feature of DASH is already here....the peer-to-peer version of electronic cash. I will not go into how flooded the "token" market is, or stable coins....God knows the world doesn't need any more of that. If we go all in with that, we will never reach global adoption....we will stay on the fringe. Companies have many options to use a block chain, and right now I don't see that happening very much. I do not personally care about catering to companies...I care about helping individuals increase their labour and have the opportunity to not depend on third parties. Even though many of us involved in crypto spend much of our time on it and it encompasses our lives, 99% of the population have no idea how crypto even works....which leads us to things like the FTX scam. Or people investing in Microstrategy at a massive premium just because they buy up bitcoin....when the investor could actually buy it themselves. Michael Saylor is a massive promotor of regulation and third parties being involved in crypto. In my opinion, he is everything that is wrong with cryptocurrency today. Yet he is treated like some crypto guru. We have something that will CHANGE THE WORLD. It is in the palm of our hands. It IS Satoshi's vision and it's called DASH.

So how do we transition from just another top 200 crypto project to actually changing the world? And what does changing the world even mean? The two go hand in hand.

First let us look at the current financial system. Banks and governments have the ability to seize and freeze the result of your labour at any time. We have seen this with the protestors in Canada during covid. They got the licence plates of everyone protesting from the RCMP, and within a day all their personal bank accounts were frozen. The government had massive power in order to do that, and it was alarming how fast it happened. In the UK, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak even made recent threats that he would seize the bank accounts of anyone not complying with his military draft idea. "Trusted" third parties can no longer be trusted. That includes your bank. Their debit card system has proved to be easily hacked, your funds from your bank taken and it takes weeks to figure it out....but the landlord and the gas company don't care...they want payment anyway. It can be hacked so easily, hackers don't even have time to process all the info available to hack. They have a lifetime of info and they WILL get to your bank account sooner or later and your bank will fight you and try to say you actually made the purchase. They will lie to cover their end.You have no money when the bank holds your money. Not your keys, not your crypto.....if it's on their books, it is no longer yours.

I don't even have to go into detail to tell you how crooked and dishonest our banks are. They even charge you to hold your funds while they loan it out for profit. Insane!! Then we have the money supply. Central banks can pump out cash anytime they want for whatever reason they want. They even admit to a trading desk where they buy and sell stocks, rigging it. You work for your dollars and they inflate the money supply, making your labours worth less, and eventually worthless. You now need 2 incomes, and good ones, to afford a house, financed over 30 years+. The system is not a winning one for the consumer....and it is only going to turn into hyper inflation. Wars are funded with central banks' funny money. The current system funds death in many ways.A world with DASH means your labour will actually increase over time. A world with DASH means less drone strikes and war on poor people. A world with DASH puts everyone on an equal playing field. It will allow those in poverty to come out of it, it will make the world a better place.

That is my vision....and it was the vision early meetup groups had for Bitcoin. It wasn't about price....they knew that would go up anyway, it was about creating a fair world for all and putting an end to as much evil as possible created by banks and governments. This is the vision I have for DASH. I don't care about creating meme tokens. So how do we get there? It is very tempting to talk about DASH online and try to show its features....and it is the BEST version of peer-to-peer cash we got. But no one talks about what it means to the world. Solving poverty. Increasing the value of labour. Not bombing people. And if you want to talk about global warming, just think what bombing all those oil wells in Iraq did to the planet....or how much oil it takes to run a military. THESE are the issues DASH can help solve by taking power away from the government and banks......THE PEOPLE HAVE THE POWER WITH DASH.

So I am starting the "Live on Dash" project....and I am open to ideas, critics, and more. Maybe some of these things have been tried....but certainly not in my country. I live in Southern Alberta. We don't like the government here. We remember our bank accounts being frozen for being part of the Coutts protest. I can assure you, we are open to DASH. We just haven't heard about it. Then we have the other side of the spectrum....the left wing folks that love the government looking after them. They love to protest for Gaza, they like equal rights and they like fighting against poverty. They want a better world too. I can assure you, they are open to DASH....not for anti-government reasons....but because they know banks are evil and inflation is making them poor. They LOVE the people having power. They don't like wars being funded. The point is, we need to have conversations with these folks about why DASH is in THEIR best interests.

Both sides of the political spectrum will love DASH....for different reasons.

It will only happen person to person. The internet will not accomplish this in the way we want it. If it could, it would have happened already. My idea is to start talking. In person. Universities, pride parades, rodeos, political gatherings, wherever anyone will listen. We see religious folks take a microphone and go in front of a university campus and start talking about religion drawing crowds. Why not go and talk about how evil banks are and DASH is the answer? Why not show 20-30 college students how to download the wallet and use Bitrefill....add them to a mailing list/social media and remind them the they are making the world a better place with DASH. Encourage them to share with their friends. It would take a small PA with a microphone ($300) and $10 worth of flyers per location. I would record it for social media. Go from campus to campus and repeat. Event to event. Talk to business groups....speak on DASH at toastmasters. Go into high schools. We need to connect with a NEW group of people and they need a POLITICAL REASON TO USE DASH.

Let's give it to them.

Now I know everyone doesn't have the balls to do this. Having had businesses in the past, I have no problem standing on the street in a clown costume to attract people to my pizza business, nor do I have a problem speaking to crowds...big crowds. As I do this, I know I will pick up one person along the way who shares my vision to speak out. And as we go, I will find another, and another, and another, and we won't stop until the world knows about DASH and they will believe they are doing the right thing. The price will will draw more and more people in...including the speculators....but the speculators can actually go buy stuff with it.

I hate to bring up a certain guy in Germany during WW2, but there is a lesson from him. His crimes can not be understated, but there are lessons to learn how he got to power, though I wish he never existed. He was a nobody and he had ideas. Not good ones as history shows. He started going to pubs and talking to small groups. Eventually, he got a couple people to "hang on" around him, and his party grew and grew until he took over and the whole country followed him. What I will accomplish is the same thing, except it will be for GOOD not evil. It is time to spread the DASH Gospel. I don't need anything from anyone on here, nor proposal money. You guys just keep doing you. Our group will go and get this mass adoption least in Canada. I will list social media links soon on here with what I am doing. If you do want to help out, donations of or links to DASH clothing would be helpful as I want to wear one at all times, as well as some places to get stickers, etc as I would rather not have to pay to print these things as I will already be investing my time, scoring a PA system, getting business cards that I can take with me and my gas. I'll be hitting the road next week, I will be appearing at the U of Lethbridge, followed the next day at Lethbridge College. And yes, I am crazy....but sometimes crazy gets the job done. I want to make the world a better place. DASH is the vehicle. If you want to be a critic, ask yourself, has anything done in the last couple years increased users or price? Someone has to try something, and this is what I will do. A little intro to put a face to this post


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