Friday, October 19, 2018

Been there, done that micronationalism

You started a micronation some time ago, and you've developed real, not paper relationships with other micronations or small organisations (Sixth World entity).

You've had your ego trip on the Wikipedia, or through the publication of some book, or by meeting other micronational leaders at one of those intermicronational events designed mainly to take and get pictures, and maybe get mentioned by the media of the powers that be, but they'll treat you like a buffoon anyway (Fifth World entity).

Maybe you even represent an "ancient" or fairly evolved entity which either is, or is similar to a Sealand or Talossa, with one or more national businesses, organisations, institutions or agencies, and maybe you even enjoy some serious recognition from academic institutions, publishers, or from other kinds of NGOs. You've had your coming of age of "unmicronational" or "non-micronational" distinction, but now you and your nationals are becoming increasingly frustrated with the limits of ethnic and isolationist micronationalism, which doesn't seem to neither truly make you stand out in the crowd of other nations and organisations, nor does it attract the talent and goodwill you need to leave your mark on the world, and on generations to come (Fourth World entity).

Although it is very unlikely, maybe your "non-nation", or multi-organisational/-national entity is fully grown up, but you know that like real adults, even multi-people organisms need to settle down, get married, and have children, or live life to the fullest extent for two genders, not just one, yet the UN, even the UNPO powers that be are not going to treat you like one of them, simply because every single one of them has multiple bank accounts, and/or lots of extra money/resources, and/or Aristotelian world connections, along with a large and static adult population of families with children who cannot just pack-up and leave if they don't like the high taxes, the lifestyle, or the level of human progress, and thus it is an economy which can be bought, sold, and/or exploited by multinational banks and organisations that love to roam beyond the territorial limits of even the biggest country, because even ecosystems of huge whales like the folks at the UN Security Council, don't necessarily scare away the opportunistic, but small and more aggressive sharks (Third, or post-Third World entity).

If you are now wondering what comes next, stop wondering, and face the laws of the universe.

You cannot adapt to the more tyranny-prone world, so you need to create another world, not an Old (Afro-Eurasia) or a New World (Americas, Oceania, and Antarctica), but a Newest World beyond current geographic borders, beyond frigid Antarctica or other terrae nullius, even beyond the Internet. The only thing it cannot be beyond is beyond people, because people are needed, especially good and wise people.

So either you are going to start something truly new and non-Aristotelian, not based even remotely on someone pointing a gun to your head, not based on having some power over you, not based on something which can be bought or sold; or you are going to decay if you don't continue and/or are unable to grow.

Note that strong people, organisations, and nations define themselves; weak people, organisations, and nations allow others to define them.

However, realise also you cannot start a Newest World without some good, egalitarian, and smart company. Even a Newest World can only grow and mature from parts of the Old and New Worlds, but you should avoid reinventing the wheel, or starting another UN copycat, or trying to create the next bitcoin fork or standalone cryptocurrency.

Translation: what you need is beyond a single technology (eg, bitcoin), system (eg, the Internet), organisation or agency (eg, the UN or UNPO), nation or more complex entity (your own).

What you need is to acknowledge the need for major change, or you will face almost certain death.

Even the Roman Empire eventually died because it didn't want to change.

Even Sears, Roebuck and Company needs to be more social-, and less catalogue-friendly in order for it, or parts of it, to survive or thrive.

Whatever you do or choose to do, however, avoid isolation, and the usual, pre-fab thinking at all costs, and begin to work with people already obviously going in a new direction so you, we, perhaps even all of us can get there, and the Old and New Worlds, even their shark-like multinational banks and organisations, won't be able to take any credit, or be able to exploit our weaknesses.

HMRD Cesidio Tallini (aka MT Kaisiris Tallini in the Newest World being born)

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