Saturday, October 27, 2018

Ethereum Tops In Crypto Meetups

Citing data from, so far, over 245 regular Ethereum meetups take place regularly around the world. Bitcoin, on the other hand, only has around 102 regular meetups, which makes ETH more than twice as popular on this platform. However, Bitcoin doesn't even take the second place, which was claimed by EOS, with 145 regular meetups around the world. Instead, BTC is third by meetup number, and the last coin to have the number of meetups exceed 100.

Other notable cryptocurrencies that have grown popular on Meetup platform include Cardano, with 54 regular meetups, as well as IOTA, that numbers around 40 of them. Monero is among the most popular privacy coin with around 16 meetups, while Stellar has 24 regular events. Surprisingly, the third largest coin by market cap, Ripple, only has 15 meetups, according to information provided by the platform.

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