Monday, November 12, 2018

Chance Me - International Student [Dartmouth ED + Others RD]

Dying from anxiety thinking about my decisions, so here I am.

ED: Dartmouth.

RD: Columbia, UChicago, Northwestern, Berkeley, Georgetown, Duke, Tufts, UMichigan, Claremont McKenna, NYU, UCLA, Emory.

Applying without aid.

Also, feel free to reverse chance me.

I'm an Indian Male, go to an 'elite' Indian boarding school. Not sure how relevant the so-called elite status of my school is in the US. We do get offers from Ivies and top schools on a regular basis (10% of the class on average), but not many apply to Dartmouth.

IB Subjects
Math HL
Econ HL
Physics HL
Chemistry SL
English A Literature SL
Spanish Ab Initio

Grade 11: 41/42
Predicted Grade: 44/45

ACT: 36

SAT Subject Tests
Math Level 2: 800
Physics: 800
Literature: 720

Microeconomics: 5
Computer Science A: 5
Calculus AB: 4
Subsequently earned the 'AP Scholar Award'

Activities Etc.

  • Wrote a research paper on the relationship between economic growth and education in India and three of its states. Used statistical techniques to explore the relationship.
  • For my IB extended essay, researching on the effects of the establishment of higher education institutes in an area on the housing market and the negative externalities on the ecology.
  • Conducted workshops for high school students on academic research. Created a booklet-style guide and released a student journal featuring research conducted by students. All this was done to promote student research and learning through experimentation, elements that are quite lacking in my school and in India in general.
  • Wrote a paper exploring the need for liberal arts education in India.
  • Created a website for Indian students to search for scholarship and financial aid opportunities to study both in India and abroad.
  • School Prefect: part of the student leadership and administration, ex-officio member of my boarding house's governing council.
  • The head of the school archives squad, the team responsible for archiving/recording our school's history through images, magazines, documents etc. Set up exhibitions on our school's heritage and its role in India and Pakistan's partition struggle.
  • Editor-in-chief of the school technology magazine, senior editor of the science magazine. Been on both editorial boards for 3+ years.
  • Head of Technology of my school's MUN and debating society for 2 years. Built websites, managed teams, designed banners etc.
  • As part of the Comp Sci Club, led and participated in projects such as an app for the school, Face ID, and Autonomous mini-cars.
  • Founding team member of a school community service organization that mentors children from underprivileged backgrounds, aiming to teach them valuable traits, broaden their intellectual horizons etc. by participating in activities with them.
  • Team member of a school organization that aims to financially educate and help underprivileged adults.
  • Physics Research: restitution of a bouncing metal ball on a laminate surface
  • Chemistry research: Effect of cooking temperature on iron content in spinach, determined by redox titration
  • Photographer for 6+ years, participated in many school exhibitions and the photography club. Fell out for a long time due to an eye injury.
  • Led and participated in many trekking/mountaineering expeditions in the lower Himalayas.
  • Internship at a tax consultancy and accountancy firm, where I researched on the legality and taxation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in India. Also researched on the economics of the agrarian crisis in India (not sure how the firm found this relevant).
  • Internship at a financial services firm where I learned and practiced the technical and qualitative analysis of financial markets. Research project on some mutual funds.

Misc. Awards and Honors

  • Topped India in Computer Science in the Grade 10 national board examinations
  • Awarded the 'Effort Prize' by my school for displaying exemplary academic commitment and perseverance.
  • Awarded distinction for academic excellence in examinations by my school from Grade 8 to Grade 12.

Note: I have faced pretty hard circumstances since grade 9. In an accident, I suffered a major eye injury causing me to be nearly blind in my left eye. Not only is my vision weaker and obstructed, but my head and my eye pains a lot as a result of excessive strain caused by studying, exams etc. I've undergone a number of surgeries and have been out of school for a lot of time due to my condition. Through grades 9 and 10 I suffered through depression and hopelessness, and had lost focus. It was only in grade 11 that I gained motivation and found a path. I have done my best to overcome the barriers and take advantage of the opportunities that I've gotten in the last ~2 years. I've written about this journey in my common app essay.

I think my essays are well-written and I've tried to make them as personal and engaging as possible.

Thanks for your time!

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