Saturday, October 19, 2019

Welcome to r/TravelInfluencers (INTRODUCTION & RULES)

Hi Travelers and welcome to the brand new r/TravelInfluencers

This is a subreddit for professional travel bloggers, vloggers, and social media influencers to discuss the industry, share strategies, ask questions, and connect with each other.

Our motto around here is: Don't Be One Of Those Influencers. You know the kind... that are only here to promote themselves and not add anything to the conversion. Don't be one of those influencers. There are plenty of other un-moderated subreddits for that.

This is a place to: Share resources, case studies, tips, and strategies to help your fellow travel professionals on Reddit, as well as ask questions about those topics. Make sure that there are no pay walls or subscribe-walls in between you and the content you share.

You are welcome to share resources from your own site, as long as 1) you share context along with it (no link-only posts), 2) you stick around to engage in the comments, and 3) they aren't the ONLY thing you post. This isn't your private RSS feed.

This is NOT a place to: Post your travel guides, photos, vlogs, travel advice, or ask for general travel information. Try r/travel or r/travelhacks for that. Please also no Follow4Follow threads or bogus "feedback" requests where the primary intention is just to get people to visit your site. Lastly, "How To Start A Travel Blog/Vlog" posts are strictly prohibited. Everyone here already has one and we don't want your bullshit 400 word guide to setting up a Wordpress site on Bluehost.

This is SOMETIMES a place for: Memes, shitposts, and humorous stories, as long as they are about the industry itself or life as a professional travel influencer, and not about general travel. I'll moderate these types of posts at my discretion.

I started this subreddit because there doesn't seem to be a great place on Reddit for travel professionals to connect. The subreddit r/travelblogging appears to be pretty dead, r/travelvog is just people sharing their videos without much engagement, and r/travelbloggers is private, so I started this public subreddit to see if we can fill the void here. I'm on Reddit almost every day and it'd be nice to use this platform to connect with other travel professionals in between reading about Bitcoin and looking at Office memes.

I run a private community called The Travel is Life Tribe which is active on Facebook, so I have a little bit of experience moderating forums, and I'll do my best to run a tight ship around here in order to keep the subreddit valuable for all members.

Questions? Feel free to drop them below. Let's grow this subreddit organically with great content and discussion. I'm sure there will be some hiccups along the way, but we're professionals, and we'll figure it out. Remember, don't be one of those influencers. Thanks for joining!


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