Sunday, May 10, 2020

Guide: Bitcoin Halving for Noobs - Should I Buy? When? What is it?

The halving is the process of slicing the bitcoin reward in half. Hence the name. Currently every 10 minutes there is a bitcoin "block" mined which rewards the miner with 12.5 bitcoin for mining.

After the halving the reward every 10 minutes will reduce to 6.25 (cutting it in half). This event happens roughly every 4 years. And itd awesome its going to be on election years!

The most obvious question people here are asking : "WiLL ThiS MaKe PrIce gO Up lIke MoON"

Dude. Who knows? Your guts only can answer this question. Sure, you can look at historical data to best analyze the future outcome but as we all know with honeybadger bitcoin - it don't care about its price and it will go up, down, sideways, and REVERSE!

past performance is not indicative of future events.

A lot of us here are thinking that the price will more than likely drop the day of the halving cause of the typical "buy the hype. Sell the news" action. There are so many people hyping up halving event like its going to immediately cause a supply or liquidity shock. It may do it instantly. It may take 6-18 months before we feels the effects of the halving.

Should you buy now or after the halving?

If you experience a bitcoin event. Price movement event, or halving event. Or conference event. And if you're asking this question. The answer will always be NO. WHY? because you clearly don't have a plan and people who enter the market without an entry plan and exit plan, that Is written on paper always get smoked. So do yourself a favor and light a joint, sit this one out. And watch it from the sidelines. This way you do the smoking and bitcoin doesn't.

I guess throw in like the most minimal amount of money imaginable like 10 dollars. And watch that if you MUST have skin in the game. Other than that I wouldn't recommend putting cash in without a plan. This is not financial advice.

Enjoy Tuesday bros!

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