Sunday, May 24, 2020

Law of attraction works in the most strangest of ways

So from my experiences with lottery wins and the LOA serving Justice or balancing wrong doers (more on this below). I have come to the conclusion that Law of Attraction works via psychic or higher self means. It will almost always directly go to work when a person absolutely completely let's go of the matter.

In my case, the LOA both brings me things I desire like lottery wins. I won lottery 7 times via LOA and the lottery wins happen only when I get the tugging pulling feeling that guides me to the win, I can't just play every day, it has to somehow one day just tell me "Buy that". It even nearly made me a millionaire via CryptoCurrency.

In 2016, something gave me a feeling to buy 1 Bitcoin from a local bitcoins website that matched me with a Russian smart young dude in my city that sold it to me for around $600, it was the strangest feeling buying something that he sent me digitally for that high of cash. And then, something else told me to shapeshift that near whole Bitcoin into 600,000 Ripple XRP as I was on the Shapeshift website which didn't need registration at that time. But I sadly didn't listen to it, but instead bought 80,000 XRP and the shocker is that the news of it getting on Coinbase skyrocketed it to $4 an XRP and I would've had 4 million dollars, but I instead got out with around $70k as it started dropping out.

LOA was trying to make a millionaire and I didn't listen to it LOL, but hopefully it will give me a big juicy lottery win.

LOA didn't end with just giving me huge Cryptocurrency gains, it also gave me a $50k lottery win, and also gave me another $25k lottery win and now it keeps on giving me $500 in a border state game from next door state, that game is called "All or Nothing". My state stopped that game sadly, but the border state has it and the border state is rich with lottery revenue so they have a lot of good games.

From all my Lottery wins, I found out there is 1 persistent thing that makes me believe LOA is very real and it is tied to higher self and also Psychic self. It is that the win always arrives spontaneously when I Have not played for a long time or a while, like for example I haven't played for 1 month or weeks, and then I get a random idea to go play it or some good feeling is pulling me towards it, and I suspect it is the LOA so I go play and guess what? BAM it hits me with a $500 or $25k win. Also the LOA is very powerful when multiple people are involved. Like my friend and I and my other friend split hat $25k prize but it was me who paid for it as it was my turn to buy it since we take turns buying it but we still go together and split it 3 way. The $50k was all by myself, and I won that under some mysterious circumstances. I suddenly found myself tired one evening as I decided to go out to drive Uber out of boredom, and this was strange because I had plenty of sleep the previous night, and also drank well and eat healthy and I am still young. So I just decided to head to my sisters house and on my way to sisters house, I recalled that her kids love gum and soda so I decided to go buy those at the store but I also noticed a guy in front of me buy 2 scratch off tickets of a game, so I decided to buy 1 of the same game he did and I scanned it in the store after scratching off bar code and it told me to see lottery office.

I normally just scratch off barcode area just to get to the point and see if I won or not. But this was my first time playing lottery in a while and that became a winner. And surprisingly my energy levels and alertness returned to normal. I believe it was LOA and higher self guiding me to it.

Right now it is about the 5th time that I won All or Nothings $500 prize and each time I play, it is something tugging me to go play it and I win $500, so for example there wasn't a time in the last 5 wins that I played it and did not win it. That gas station workers in that state know me as the guy who wins the $500 because they see my win it all the time. So this is telling me the LOA or Higher Self is guiding me to it. I also noticed in one of these 5 wins, that I left my sisters house and was heading up i35E and was approaching i494 and West takes me to my house while i494 East takes me to that border state that has that game. And I felt something with some excited energy telling me to take i494 East and go play that game, and I did even though I clearly just wanted to go home, I did take the East exit and bought the game and thank God my home was still on the way taking i494 North up. Got home and this game draws daily and I find out I won $500, heck Google images even indexed these wins of mine when I posted them in the Lottery sub after taking photos of them.

But what surprises me is that the LOA keeps giving me the $500 win which is just 1 number away from the $100k and I really desire the $100k and still have not won it. So now I just let go again totally and completely stopped playing the game.

I discovered that to get the LOA to work, one has to absolutely accept the reality that one will not get what he/she desires, just completely accept it and let go. And in the most least expected time, the win will come and find you. Or whatever you desired will come and find you. I believe the higher self or subconscious starts putting together a series of events that appear coincidence, but are actually not coincidence, these events ultimately lead you to the win. This was your higher self guiding you all this time, but some people want to believe it is coincidence or whatever else you call that thing.

Another example of my LOA working is that it gave my Ex-Fiance bad luck. She did various wrong things to me and said bad things to me and she is in another country, I did a lot for her and went there after I left Morocco and her father and mother liked me, and I wanted to return to finish marriage for her, but my passport was expiring in 6 months and I lost $1800 in Plane ticket because of the fact that the airliner would not let me board since rule is that people can't fly out international if passport is expiring in 6 months or less.

Her dying uncle also wanted to see our ceremony and wedding, but there was also the fact that we never finished the initial Shiekh Halal part, and I bought her a Gold necklace when her father and I and her were together at the Jewelry store in that country, but this Gold necklace was for the gift of what they call Mehr and this is valid for her only if she finishes the processes with me and we become husband and wife and I assumed all would fall in smoothly and we would finish it, but her fighting became excessive and she blamed me for my passport that expired and the fact that her dying Uncle never got to see wedding as I never went there to finish everything even though I scrambled to do everything I can.

But guess what? back to the part about how the LOA harmed her, now keep in mind that I don't want my power that I can't control to harm people, I want the good for humanity and forgive the wrongdoings of people and I forgave her, but just as I messaged her to tell her that if she still has that Gold Necklace, it may bring her harm because she never finished process with me and that she fought me too much when I wanted to better her. She said she had to sell it because it did indeed bring her bad luck, she didn't tell me exactly what bad luck, but I believe her. As long as she sold it and got rid of it I am happy even if she didn't mail it to me, because hopefully at least she won't get affected by my Higher Self which has been known to balance me and others if I wronged people or if they wronged me. It goes both ways, my own higher self can bring me bad luck or other people can bring me bad luck or harm if I wrong them. So the Universe does balance people

Ever notice that people who are angry often keep having more negativity and bad luck attracted to themselves? they can never get what they want because they never let go and let their higher self handle it. For example I often see at the Gas station I buy the lottery tickets from that there is always crumbled up tickets or scratchers that people leave on the counter that is right next to the scanner that scans the tickets, but there is a garbage can nearby. So this tells me that person got angry or frustrated and that is not how you win, to win you have to let go and let the higher self guide you to the win in the most unexpected of time. Also the not throwing away the losing slips part and letting the workers pick up doesn't help in the person actually getting guided to the win is what I believe because it is a wrong act to just purposely leave losing slips or scratchers there for another person to throw away for you.

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