Friday, August 6, 2021

1984 is at your doorstep. Will zcash survive future mass surveillance?

Apple just announced that they will scan their users’ files and photos on iCloud for any evidence of child abuse and they will report their users to the police if they find one. That means they will indiscriminately scan your photos and other people’s photos even if there’s no reasonable suspicion to believe that a crime was committed.

The western governments now have the ability to indiscriminately spy on private citizens with their phones, computers, cameras in every corner, and more. They can turn on your phone’s mic and camera even if you are not using it.

Social media websites such as Facebook have your private life details and Google knows your search habits. Microsoft knows what you are doing if you are on Windows like 90 percent of computers users in the world.

Now the world is coming to accept a new form of currency that can forever track your financial activity with a blockchain technology. You know which coin I am talking about.

I know it all looks irrelevant but I think these events are all connected for a higher purpose. Private citizens are losing their fundamental human rights to privacy day by day because of new regulations and technologies.

Do you think that zcash can survive future of mass surveillance? Do you agree that bitcoin can be used to spy on private citizens if it becomes mass adopted? Do you think this conspiracy theory is far fetched?

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