Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Anonymous Journalism

If you have a story from Hong Kong but has to share it anonymously, this might be for you

Due to recent events, I have come to the conclusion that we are in need of a fully anonymous news outlet. The events I am talking about are of course the imprisonment of B3l@rusI@n journalist R@m@n Pr@[t@s3vItj](mailto:t@s3vItj). There are way more examples around the world, but not necessary for my proposal and I do not want to get blacklisted on Reddit once again. I am posting here because it is a closed community, with an interest in unpopular/controversial and even in some countries illegal opinions.

My proposal, a news outlet where every journalist is only known by a number, and all communication is done with encrypted messages, to ensure that no one knows who the journalist is. This system will provide two challenges, firstly, how to ensure that the article is of good quality? Secondly, how does the journalist get paid?

To answer the first question, the posting of articles must get approved by a jury of five anonymous journalists, and this jury is rotated every quarter. Secondly, how will the journalist get paid? In my experience, almost all anonymous journalism is done unpaid, with a few exceptions, we propose to solve this by linking every journalist to a private bitcoin wallet, where the reader can donate to the journalist of their choice, if they want to.

We have already met and overcome lots of obstacles, but if you are interested in writing as a journalist for us/ helping us with internet security or get more information message us at: [sine.nomine.null@protonmail.com](mailto:sine.nomine.null@protonmail.com) or wickr: sinenominenull

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Written by: sine nomine null

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