Saturday, September 11, 2021

Tinfoil hat time: Old money caused the crypto flash crash to attempt to derail any new investors hype

So it's another completely uninformed 'tin foil hat' conspiracy time so hear me out as food for thought but also remember that it could just be complete nonsense.

The timing of the flash crash with the arrival of Bitcoin in El Salvador was clearly too coincidental to not be related, that much we can almost universally agree on. However, recent 'sell the news' events have either had little effect or actually boosted the related markets like with ADA and SOL recently.

This time the market tanked and it tanked hard and within moments but hasn't dropped much in the week that followed, with some coins actually thriving in the aftermath.

My theory is that the 'old money' knew that if the market was doing well then everyone would have been talking about crypto this week and that would have caused many new investors and return investors to join in. HOWEVER, if those new investors who were tempted to start investing looked at the 24 hour charts, see that the market is between 10-30% down in a single day, they would almost certainly turn around and run back to the stock market for safety and likely stay there for years.

This is slightly supported by the fact that El Salvador has not been in ANY regular news that I've been reading. Effectively, 'old money' managed to censor the news by having the news censor itself knowing that no one would be reporting on the positives of crypto during such a down turn as that would be career suicide.

Anyway, that's just by two sats.

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