Saturday, September 11, 2021

Why I'm not afraid to invest most of my money in Bitcoin

I believe in Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is hope for a better, more decentralized financial system and a better, fairer world. It was born out of a state of mind that desires freedom for oneself and others, which I relate to very strongly; it promises to take power away from the power-hungry structures such as governments and central banks, and empower the sovereign individual. I believe such a world is possible.

If my investment in Bitcoin turns out to be a good investment, it will mean I have lived to see such a better world, and the life-changing wealth that came from the investment will be a cherry on the cake, allowing me to enjoy living in that better world that little bit more.

Now, I understand nothing is certain and while it's very unlikely, my investment may turn out to be a failure. For all we know, Bitcoin, in a decade or two, may be worth nothing.

That would be unfortunate, you could say: I would lose the savings of my life.

Unfortunate indeed, but if that happens, the consequences of that will be much farther-reaching: it will not only be an investment failure of mine, but a failure of mankind! It will mean we, humans, had a sole opportunity to make the world a better place, and missed it; it will mean power-hunger, control, greed and indifference overpowered the desire to make the world a better place.

It will mean the world is a sad, hopeless, degenerate place, dominated by control-oriented filth, scum and trash, that Humanity was doomed to fail from the beginning and we were only deluding ourselves by believing otherwise. And in such a world of disappointment, no amount of wealth would be a consolation anyway - and certainly not the kind of wealth I would have accumulated by putting my wages in a fiat bank account.

But I think that's a very unlikely scenario. And it's not like a sports event where the outcome is independent of us; on the contrary, it depends on no one but us, bitcoiners.

A bet on Bitcoin is not only a financial bet, but also a bet on a better world. We either win both or neither.

The dream of a better world is only a dream, but by adopting Bitcoin and using it, we can make that dream a reality.

We can make it happen!

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