Friday, December 3, 2021

Freedom Day 2 - Report

It was a bright warm day in December, and the clocks were striking thirteen. The pohutakawa trees were beginning to show their first signs of flowering before Christmas and the people of New Zealand were out enjoying Freedom Day™ 2.


Here are my notes and thoughts from today. Please feel free to share your own experience, too.


Papers please, Aotearoa


I left the house and went to my local farmers' market event. There were two middle-aged women manning the entrance. Some guy ahead of me tried to walk in and they asked for his vaccine pass, intent not just to sight the paperwork, but to indeed scan his medical documents. I drifted by and mentioned 'Gestapo Pass' to them in one of my more immature moments, to which they responded angrily back 'Vaccine Pass!'. This was my first taste of true vitriol related to these passports in real life and as many have said before me, it gave a striking insight into how people could become the guards in the concentration camps. You just give them a little taste of power and they run with it..


I then proceeded to get lunch at a place nearby that had a sign out requiring vaccine passports but which did not in fact ask for anything (I knew they would not). I had a word with the staff member and said thank you for not worrying about any of this shit, and they just smiled at me.


Mental health & support


I know a lot of people are feeling this whole situation, irrespective of vaccination status or participation in the passport system. It can sometimes seem like there is nothing to hold out hope for anymore. It can feel like the whole world is in chaos and collapsing. Perhaps you are struggling have lost your job, lost friendships, or are experiencing other difficult times.


I want to remind you that we are truly in this together and that no matter who you are, if you are against this tyranny that is being imposed on us then you are a brother or sister to us all. We may not know each other's face in the street, but when I can walk into a shop and you let me in without looking at my paperwork, you are performing a small but incredibly righteous action. When we can both take our masks off to share the same air we are breaking a barrier that the government has tried to erect between us.


I am not sure what the mental health support services are like in N.Z. these days but if anyone is having a hard time please reach out to a friend or someone you trust and talk it through. Please remember it is ok to feel angry or upset at everything that is going on and that it is not your fault. Compliance will not make the problem of government impacting our lives go away. The goalposts will just keep shifting. If you have made it this far then now is time to give up. The most important thing you can do is keep on going and keep on talking with your fellow human. We are all taking this thing one day at a time and at the very least I would like to invite everyone to my house party when this shit blows over.


The Resistance


It appears that there are protests taking place in Auckland and around the country. No doubt the media will under report and label these as far-right or whatever, when the reality is that it is almost always families and normal people who just want their freedom back and are over all of the bullshit.


Omnicron® seems to be a lot less "deadly" than old school Covid (which is already pretty mild in the scheme of things). We need to keep this narrative going - it is less deadly. It won't kill you. The vaccine wont stop it. Tell everyone you know and remind them that it was bought overseas by VACCINATED people. We will all get Omnicron soon enough and we will all be OK. We have a lot of work ahead to deprogramme people from the fear and this is the beginning of that.


The ideology is entrenched in many people's minds now and society has successfully been split. However only 10 - 30% of people have been truly brainwashed to believe what the media and government says. I believe the days of the government being able to do blanket lockdowns etc is coming to an end and every additional restriction is creating further resistance. People's eyes are opening up.


That said, I think we can conservatively expect reopening of international borders to be pushed back and this whole thing to go on for at least another ~12 months, but the end is in sight and the tides will turn back to freedom.


Please tip me if you like what I am doing (Bitcoin 🚀):



Do you have a story from Freedom Day 2? Please share below. Please do not name any businesses directly who have chosen not to discriminate as we do not want to single them out for the trolls, however feel free to shame businesses that are discriminating so that we can all avoid them.

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