Saturday, December 4, 2021

I'm a no coiner becoming a shitcoiner (coping and conceding)

First off, I would like to say that I'm a poor no-coiner, but I have nothing against any type of crypto.

Second, I don't want to discuss the moral/ideological/practical aspect of bitcoin or any crypto even though I find that some of the cryptos are useful for illegal purposes (monero for example)

And I do think that most of the Cryptos are dogshit, however, I admit that I was wrong about Bitcoin. At least from a financial perspective.

I was looking through some posts from 2018 on this Reddit, just a few examples:

And I'm baffled by the fact that some people that were posting in that period are still around with the same point of view.

Like everyone on this sub I didn't buy bitcoin when it was 3k because I thought it was done. When it reached 10k I also didn't buy it because I thought it was the last pump before the final dump. And let's be honest, even if I bought I probably would have sold it with some 5x or 10x gain.

So far bitcoin has rewarded the holders that had faith, not rationality, not criticism, just faith.

This year the last event that made me concede to crypto was the NFTs schemes, and I was also wrong.

I saw some posts talking about liquidity or how bitcoin just transfers money from one person to another. And while this may be true, we all know that this doesn't matter from an individual standpoint. With the liquidity levels of today, even if you're a billionaire with Bitcoin you can withdraw your money using bots with minimum price impact. And yes it did transfer from people who sold to people that hold.

I'll not buy Bitcoin anymore, at least not at this price level, maybe I'll be wrong again and society will become a cyberpunk dystopia and everyone will work for a few dogecoins while the trillionaires bitcoin holders will just keep holding. If another event like 2018 happens again, I will become a bitcoin eternal holder and shill, otherwise, I'll just occasionally buy some shitcoins/NFT projects with a small amount of my savings and see how it goes for me, since they have much more risk and growth potential than bitcoin (and also much more risk, buying shitty NFT projects right now is like buying bitcoin at 3k in 2018). If I don't die from a heart attack because of sleep deprivation I'll return in 5 years with my testimony.

Also, I'm not a clueless investor, I would never allocate more than 10% of my portfolio into an asset ( and that's why I'll probably never get rich quick or go bust), especially a risky one like crypto. But 10x or 20x of 5% or 10% is enough to build substantial wealth over time.

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