Thursday, June 9, 2022

Kev here's some advice.

Stop being an arrogant self-centered prick. You're not number one trending in the UK or soon to be the world. Your most recent accounts aren't even in the top 1 million tik tok accounts in the world check for your stats and trust me they ain't jealous haters.

90% of your viewers watch your lives hoping you'll get jumped or worse, its similar to rubber necking when you you see a car crash. People love watching you fail and be miserable Google the term 'schadenfreude' for a better understanding.

Nobody is jealous of a 43 year old man who dresses and talks like a 10 year old wannabe roadman who literally has nothing in their life, no friends, no loving family, no property, no kids, no car, nothing you have absolutely nothing except for a snide designer bag filled with your snide clothes tripod and tik tok.

Be humble, stop being mouthy, you know nothing about anything, stop chatting about things you don't understand mainly things like being untouchable because you have accepted an invite for a 3rd rate Chinese agency that has no control over your account/s being banned.

Stop lying all the time and boasting about things that will never happen you make yourself look like a complete cunt and a clown.

Here's just a few things you've said, most were mentioned the other night by your far more intelligent 16 year old friend Kfundz....

Bitcoin Book deal Talent Agency Record label Penthouse Opening a gym Kickboxing Brand deals Owning a nightclub Music tracks featuring General Levy So Solid Crew Craig David Only Fans Collabs German TV Interview Kickboxing Events Eastenders et The list gets longer on an almost daily basis.

One more thing Google the term "social influencer" you need to realise you're not one. You're just a 43 year old mentally ill man who's in the midst of some psychotic breakdown.

Yours Sincerely

Mum and Dad x

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