Sunday, October 2, 2022

The THEORY of The SAVIOR Generation

Beautifull Minds

The THEORY of The SAVIOR Generation

Table of Contents

v Chapter 1

· Futurism requires in-depth awareness

· The hypothesis of the savior generation (introduction)

· The hypothesis of the savior generation (from the numbers and mathematics point of view)

· The hypothesis of the savior generation (from the historical symbols point of view)

· Millennial generation

· In the capitalist system, Swim against the tide

v Chapter 2

· Awareness

· Awareness leads to futurism

· Introducing the BM newspaper platform

v Chapter 3

· Learning

· Learning process

· Genetics Investigation in the learning process

· Introducing the BMLearn platform

· Proof of Content Algorithm

v Chapter 4

· Livelihood

· The current state of wealth distribution in the world

· BM Job Platform

v Chapter 1

· Futurism requires in-depth awareness

Introduction: The level of awareness has a direct relationship with futurism. Human beings have a better and clearer vision of the future as they increase their awareness of the relationships and fixed laws that exist in the world (nature). Understanding and trying to visualize the “future” is futurism. To perceive the fixed laws of nature, one must refer to the events and information that nature has left in the “past” and find out the fixed formulas by deeply analyzing them.

· The hypothesis of the Savior Generation

Introduction: If we refer to religious beliefs, the existence of a savior (just before the Apocalypse) is promised. Regardless of the type of religion, this topic is an important part of every religious teaching. From an empirical point of view, we can refer to history and identify many people who have tried to save humanity from falling into the mire of ignorance and moral degeneration. The most successful of them have been countries and civilizations that had a correct structure and not individual action. We believe that in the future we have not one person but a generation of saviors. A generation that has a correct structure.

· The hypothesis of the savior generation (from the number and mathematics point of view)

Introduction: One of the most reliable data available among religions is related to the Zoroastrian religion. Mazdayasna cosmology says that existence is divided into four stages of 3,000 years, which take place during the first 3,000 years of the world, and the savior of the world will appear in the fourth 3,000 years. According to the beliefs of Zoroastrianism, “Zoroastrian is born at the beginning of the fourth period” and this happened about 3 thousand years ago according to the information provided by the religion of Zoroastrianism. Therefore, we can conclude that the Alpha generation (born between 2010 and 2024) is at the end of the 4th 3,000 years and are at the appointed time for the appearance of the savior.

The hypothesis of the savior generation (from the historical symbols point of view)

Introduction: If we take a look at the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, we will find that there were encryption and decryption in all of them, and of course, at the beginning of every other great transformation.

From the cryptography in the Giza Necropolis to the encryption of messages in the world wars, everyone has promised the emergence of a great change. When the structure of a society is intertwined with the encryption process, it would not be hard to expect the salvation and prosperity of mankind in such a society. With the advancement of technology and truly stunning infrastructure in today’s world, cryptography has emerged once again, this time in the form of Blockchain technology, coinciding with the appointed time for the emergence of a savior in the alpha generation.

· The Millennial Generation

Introduction: Many other researches have been conducted in the field of cosmology, all of which indicate that those born between 2010 and 2024 i.e. Alpha generation, will be the founders of fundamental changes in the way and type of attitude towards life in the world; One of the most reliable researches in this field was conducted at the PEW Research Center in 2019 by MICHAEL DIMOCK. In part of this research, it is stated as follows:

“ PEW Research Center has been studying the Millennial generation for more than a decade. But by 2018, it became clear to us that it was time to determine a cutoff point between Millennials and the next generation. Turning 38 this year, the oldest Millennials are well into adulthood, and they first entered adulthood before today’s youngest adults were born.”

· In the capitalist system, swim against the tide

The capitalist system is one of the biggest obstacles to the progress and excellence of the human race, and the main method it has used to achieve its goals is to busy people with livelihood and prevent self-awareness. The Alpha generation's “livelihood” needs to be fixed, and they must be given “awareness” and “education”; So that a platform is provided for them to know themselves and help their fellows, this means swimming against the tide of the capitalist system.

v Chapter 2

· Awareness

We have taken our first step toward informing people. spreading hand-picked information and news commotion in order to achieve the goals of capitalism, many similar services with the slogan of awareness like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, not only don’t provide services to the level of human excellence, but they seek to prepare a platform for their gain by abusing people’s ignorance. A clear example is Forbes magazine, which publishes an Ad in the form of breaking news; If this event is not the degeneration of humanity, then what title is suitable for it?

· Awareness leads to Futurism

If awareness does not lead to future research, like pouring acid on a seedling, not only it does not make it grow, but also poisons and destroys the root of awareness, and the result will be nothing but a society with poisoned beliefs. To recognize this bitter truth, it is enough to look at the trending news of the past decade.

• February 7, 2009: Australian bushfires killed at least 181 people.

• October 12, 2010: 33 Chilean miners were rescued after 68 days trapped in a mine.

• May 2, 2011: US soldiers and CIA agents killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

In 2013, no news from reputable magazines reported that the price of Bitcoin has grown by 20,000% in less than a year. Why?


Because it leads to futurism

December 12, 2012: North Korea successfully launches a missile into Earth's orbit.


v Chapter 3

· Learning

Learning and recognizing the learning process have always been discussed throughout history. The learning processes so far have not been able to align with different talents and different learning methods. If the learning process for each person is not suitable for his/her learning method, it is practically impossible to achieve the maximum ability of people in learning. Since the 1920s, the market of various hypotheses on how learning is conducted has been bullish. This tortuous path started from behaviorism and has faced many forms until today. The milestone of achievements in this field has ended with cognitivism, and unfortunately, no research has yet achieved appropriate structures and principles for different learning methods in humans.

· learning process

studies have shown that the human brain, after receiving information from each of the five senses, stores it after analyzing and encoding it. Perception in the five senses happens involuntarily, but what is different in people is the way of analyzing the received information and the type of coding in the brain. The stage of information analysis and coding is largely influenced by previous teachings, culture, religious teachings, geographical location, etc.

· Genetics Investigation in the learning process

At BM Group, we have examined the learning process in a radical form about genetic change and mutation and its effects on the field of learning and the way of learning over time. We have also reached surprising results that make us sure that an accurate learning algorithm can be defined for different generations by relying on the genetic data of people in each generation (X, Y, Z, Alpha). Of course, this process requires spending more time and money, which is ongoing and has not yet been completed. The findings in this research indicate that since the human brain has the ability to be programmed, it is possible to prepare an algorithm by examining people’s genetics to improve the way concepts are coded in the brain and to achieve the maximum ability of people to learn.

· Introducing the BM Learn

The second service in the BM is the BM Learn educational platform. In this platform, there are more than 1270 types of educational categories, all of its educational content is first approved by the highest scientific centers in the world according to the “proof of content” algorithm, and then it is taught to each person according to the learning algorithm specified to each person. In this platform, both people who produce content and people who receive training will gain rewards.

· Proof of Content Algorithm

The Proof of Content Algorithm is a more complete and efficient version of the Proof of Knowledge Algorithm.

In the Proof of Knowledge Algorithm, a content producer (Host) must prove to the verifier that he/she knows something and that it is scientifically correct. This process has low scalability and on the other hand, it has the potential to manipulate the network. By modifying existing processes, we created a content verification algorithm in which verifiers compete for the scientific verification of produced content, and any content that receives the approval of more than 51% of all verifiers in the network is accepted as scientific content and is first hashed and becomes an NFT then turned into an asset in the name of the content producer. Both the content producer and its approvers receive rewards and upgrades in the network, and entities that vote against the majority of the network are recognized as malicious users and are subject to network punishment.


Using this algorithm, it is possible to prepare the world’s largest database with the participation of the world’s largest and most prestigious universities. We create value by coding certified content to prove that Bill Gates’ famous article in the 90s (content is king) was nothing but the truth.

In his article, he refers to content as money and property

v Season 4

· Livelihood

The most successful method that the capitalist system has used to rule the 7.5 billion people on the planet is to make these people busy with their livelihood. We stated at the beginning of this article that the only way to save oneself is to know oneself and help one’s fellow man, and to achieve this goal, awareness must first be achieved, then education should be given, and at the end, livelihood should be provided so that man can gain self-awareness with an opened mind. reach In the third step of our service, we deal with livelihood.

· The current state of wealth distribution

The number of millionaires in the world reached 56.1 million in 2021. There are currently 56.08 million adult millionaires in the world with a total net worth of $191.6 trillion. They make up 1.1% of the population. According to the Forbes Billionaires List 2021, in 2021, there were approximately 2,755 billionaires worldwide. There are 35 billionaires for every one million people, which is 660 more than in 2020, and 493 new billionaires have been added to the list.

As we can see, a huge part of the world’s wealth is in the possession of a small part of people, who, of course, are always trying to prevent the distribution of this wealth among all people. This is the definition of the capitalist system.

· BM Job Platform

Perhaps the most attractive part of the services of BM Group is the job creation and job-seeking platform. After passing the previous two stages, each person has become an expert and knowledgeable force, and now in the third stage, he can use the job opportunities available on the job search and job seek platform and receive fees for doing specialized tasks. There are already 10,000 ready-made tasks on this platform, but every employer can have the best and most expert workers by creating a profile. It is easy to say that in order to make a living and find an opportunity to self-awareness and help mankind, every person needs to follow the path prepared by the futurists of BM Group in order to have a human-loving society.

Final words:

We have put our efforts to provide a platform suitable for the needs of the upgoing generation that will be the saviors of the earth.

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