Sunday, October 2, 2022

A summary of what happened to blockchain technological advances and adoption last September - Are we witnessing the Dotcom 2.0?

Another disastrous month for risk assets, especially stocks & cryptocurrencies, has finally come to an end. However, in terms of tech and adoption, it's arguably the most productive (and consequential) month with several major blockchains making significant progresses within the last 30 days:

- Ethereum #ETH completed the Merge, a major step toward improving their energy efficiency & transaction speed/cost.

- Polygon #MATIC cut another major deal with Star Buck.

- Algorand #ALGO released State Proof & increased their max TPS to 6000 tps. FIFA+Connect, an FIFA NFT & collectibles marketplace built on top of Algorand was officially launched.

- Internet Computer #ICP made signifcant progress in their Bitcoin Integration. They also demonstrated a canister getting live data-feed from a web2-based website ( by the way). This is actually the first of its kind in terms of blockchain tech when a blockchain can directly get data from a web2 service without using an oracle.

- Chainlink #LINK showed significant progress in terms of adoption across multiple blockchains. More importantly, they are now working with SWIFT to help them build their token infrastructure.

- Cosmos #ATOM released their Cosmos 2.0 with updated long-term development (Interchain Security, Liquid staking, Interchain Scheduler, and Interchain Allocator) & tokenomics.

- Cardano #ADA completed their Vasil hard fork.

- Hedera #HBAR announced at the last SmartCon22 that 3 new Governance Councils have been approved. They are also at the final preparation phase to launch their native staking program.

- Bitcoin #BTC continued to do its bitcoin things.

- And last but not least, Solana #SOL again show their strength and consistency with another network outage. They might introduce this as one of their key features in the next network upgrade.

So that what happened last September. Quite eventful with fantastic news for tech and adoption.

Will be great to learn from you what to look for in October as well. Thank you.

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