Sunday, March 17, 2024

Bitcoin Meetup

Since Bitcoin has permeated into the national conversation and finance world recently, I'd like to circle back to an attempt to create a Bitcoin Meetup in Springfield that was first posted over a decade ago.

The response at the time seemed to be a "but why?". This time around, there might be enough interest to start a monthly IRL meeting to talk any and all things bitcoin: how does it work? what does it mean? should I allocate a percentage of my investments to it? etc.

Why bother? It is becoming harder and harder to ignore, more people are curious about it and have questions, and building a (IRL) community around this might be fun. It could start as an monthly meeting and if it appears helpful and people get along, we can go from there. Meetings can happen somewhere innocuous and welcoming of group activities. Location suggestions are welcome.

Who am I? I'm Mike, a software engineer and founder who has been in this space since 2015. I've worked at Bitcoin and blockchain companies, studied with Chaincode Labs in their Bitcoin, Lightning, and OSS software developer programs, been a member in the Bitcoin Design space, and have been a user of many Bitcoin products for years now.

Kansas City and NW Arkansas have healthy Bitcoin communities. I've been to meetups in multiple cities and countries. I've seen the value and fun that can come from these events. Maybe its time we join the ranks?

I'll leave you with a Bitcoin Magazine article making the case for IRL Bitcoin meetups -

If you're interested, please respond in a comment below and I'll follow up with next steps.

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