Saturday, September 21, 2024

Extended Warranty Issue

I sent my acer predator helios 300 PH317-54 into the extended warranty company "Asurion." All it needed was the battery replaced as it was barely lasting an hour. Its been a great machine and other than the battery needing replacing I have had no problems with it since I bought it new in 2021. They sent it back to me with a new hard drive in it, but didnt replace the battery. Plus they only put Windows 10 on it and none of the acer predator drivers. Fine I went and got them for my machine and installed them myself. I have built computers and worked on laptops etc so im not new to working on them, just never been to a tech college for it. I am self taught over the years, with help from those that have gone to tech colleges. I got the new drive etc updated with all relevant drivers etc. I contacted the warranty company and asked why was my ssd replaced and not the battery? They could not answer me. They had me send it back to them and next thing I know I have been sent a totally different machine with my laptops serial number put on it. I provided pictures. What I got was an acer predator helios 300 PH317-55743T, with a totally different copy of windows on it by the way. I had Microsoft windows 10 (upgraded to windows 11), what I now have is Microsoft Windows 11 pro. Plus thats all it had on it, no acer predator drivers. I have no sounds on this, I have fought for two days to get the drivers for this machine on it. It has been done but still no sound no matter what I do. Keeps saying No Output Devices Found. They replaced my laptop with this one and you can tell it has been dropped as the top right corner is crushed in slightly. My original machine didnt even have a scratch on her. The keys were worn a bit of course from use, but that is it. They switched my machine out for this one. I called them on it immediately and they said well yours was a lemon, it came back twice for the same issue so we had to replace the motherboard in it. I told them it came back because you were supposed to change the battery and didnt! I asked for my original machine back and they said no. Their policy is to now refund me my money that I paid for it originally back in 2021 and of course to send this machine that they sent me back. I am beside myself as I am disabled and live off of $1008.00 dollars a month. I cannot afford what it would cost to purchase another one new with the upgrades I paid for on my original machine. As far as im concerned someone stole my machine, put my machines serial number on this one and are trying to pass it off as a motherboard upgrade. I am beside myself. I want my machine back, I wish I had just changed it myself. I will never purchase an extended warranty again. So now I will be out my gaming laptop and no way to replace what I had. I saved and used a small inheritance from when my grandfather died to purchase my original machine, with the upgrades. I either accept this one they sent me, not functioning properly or get back what I paid new minus taxes for my original machine. They say they dont have my machine to send back to me, that its gone. Gone where??? They cant answer that. You go to acer and of course you look up the serial number and it pulls up my old machine with those drivers. I had to use the SNID to find the drivers for this one, but some will not install, I have no sound and at this point am ready to give up. I am 52, been around computers since 1998. I am not stupid by any means but of course not trained by a tech college. Give me the parts and I can assemble a computer or laptop blindfolded. Getting drivers, installing them, operating systems etc. no problem. This one has me stumped on how to fix it. I have looked up the fixes for this issue and none are working. Even though I downloaded the sound drivers for it, it will not show them when you go into device manager or into settings, system, sound. They are not there. I have never had this happen to me before. I apologize for the long post but I hope I have posted everything, I am sure I am missing some details, which if asked I can provide if needed. Like I said I am disabled, I live now through my laptop, its my life, it goes everywhere with me, even to the hospital when I have surgeries that require hospitalization. Any help would be appreciated. I have done all I can tried everything I could find on the internet etc to try. Thank you for your time.

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