Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A Guide to the Best Privacy Coin

Hey folks!

I just wrote this 3,000 word+ guide on the best privacy coins. Check it out, and let me know what you think.

- Monero is ranked #1 due to a mix of cryptographic guarantees, ease of use, and adoption

- Bitcoin is ranked #2 because while it's not completely anonymous, it has wider adoption than any "privacy coin" and there are tools you can use to anonymize Bitcoin transactions (buy locally, mixing, etc).

- ZCash is ranked #3 because while the cryptography's cool, it's really hard for most people to use private transactions and adoption is extremely limited.

Just to provide a bit of context, the reason I'm writing these guides is that 99.9% of folks who are interested in crypto can't evaluate it on it's technical merits. To get broader adoption for crypto, we need to make it easy for average consumers to understand, trust, and use different coins.

The idea behind these guides is to help give non-technical folks an on-ramp into crypto by showing them the advantages and disadvantages of specific coins based on actual usage—rather than number of nodes in the network, zksnarks vs mimblewimble, etc.

While these guides are targeted to a more consumer-oriented audience than the folks on this sub, would love to hear your thoughts and get any feedback you might have. Especially if you think any of the technical evaluation is off—let me know and I'll fix it.

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