Sunday, November 4, 2018




CryptoSudo is the developing and education ecosystem on the basis of Blockchain Technology.

Why do we care so much about Blockchain Technology? Because:

Unlike classic database logic, the Blockchain not collected in a single center or not managed by a specific person. On the contrary, it can be stored on many computers at the same time, and anyone who wants can have a copy of this Blokchain.

With decentralized storage of data; Increases reliability of data storage and processing. All information can be recovered even when a large error occurs.

Blockchain Technology significantly simplifies operations like insurance, banking, deed, law, obligations and property rights records and follow-up of supply chains etc.

Ensures the management of agreements without the need for third parties. Secures the sharing of documents with counterparts and saving time and cost.

Because of the Bitcoin seen by many people only as an investment tool, this technology, unfortunately is often ignored. Our base goal is to make this technology more understandable and create an effective community that will contribute to its development.

We believe that the developers are critical value to Blockchain Technology. Our another goal is to bring new developers to this sector and help existing developers do their jobs well. We will introduce an online and free training platform about the cryptography and software languages which are basis of this technology. And we will spread this platform to masses.

The community will ask questions to developers within the discussion forum. The members will have the opportunity to improve themselves with short video lessons to be published on Education Platform.

We know how effective the interaction and cooperation to develop creativity and learning in the education. Our ecosystem will be a central development and education platform for Blockchain Technology, supported by SUDO crypto currency.

With CryptoSudo we do not aim to create new patterns. On the contrary, we intend to create a new and creative way beyond the existing patterns. Our primary goal is to become an ecosystem where ideas exchange and constructive criticism are blended with free and open source contents.

In a disciplined and orderly system, we invite everyone to join us and share their ideas with us for an ever- evolving and strengthening formation.


• To bring Blockchain Developers together. Increasing cooperation and solidarity.

• To establish management and audit boards with trained and experienced members within the community.

• To produce open source projects and to prepare free educational contents.

• To organize seminar activities to inform the community members about the innovations.

• To guide such as standards, terminology, education, legal regulations, working conditions about Blockchain.

• Create certificates and distribute them to eligible members for free

• To provide technical and scientific advice, to prepare reports, to create cooperation opportunities and to exchange information between members

• Preparing recommendations for the development of Blockchain Technology. To convey these proposals to the relevant institutions and to reflect the results to the public

• To create a documentation center for Blockchain Technology


• Contents will be based on Blockchain Technology, Cryptography and Software Languages

• Will be published it completely free

• Content producers will be selected and supervised by a board to be formed

• The basic language of instruction will be English and subtitles will be prepared for other languages

• Content priorities and key topics will be determined based on the exchange of ideas and voting within the community


Ticker SUDO
Total Supply 300.000.000 SUDO (Three Hundred Million)
Hash Algorithm X16S (Shuffle)
Difficulty Algorithm Dark Gravity Wave v3.0
RPC Port Mainnet
P2P Port Mainnet
RPC Port Testnet
P2P Port Testnet
Retarget Every Block
Block Time 180 seconds
Block Size 2MB
Block Reward 180 SUDO (One Hundred Eighty)
Maturity 15 Blocks
Send Confirmation 6 Blocks
Masternode Collateral 10.000 SUDO (Ten Thousand)
Masternode Confirmation 15 Blocks
Masternode Reward 75% of Block Reward
PoW Reward 20% of Block Reward
Treasury Fund 5% of Block Reward
Premine 5% of Total Supply
Protocol Support IPV4, IPV6, TOR


First 7200 blocks, reward is 1 SUDO

Between 7200 & 14400 blocks, reward is 30 SUDO

After 14400. block, reward is 180 SUDO


Web Site :

Block Explorer :

Official Pool :

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