Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Reponse to horsebadlydrawn's comment about jonald_fyookball's attempt to "save" _underwriter

I saw this response by horsebadlydrawn to jonald_fyookball. It is about jonald_fyookball's open response to _underwriter, so my post is not directed at jonald_fyookball in any way; it's a response to horsebadlydrawn, as his reply embodies what seems to be a concerning shift in character that has happened in this sub over the last few months. I thought this deserved a post of its own rather than being hidden deep in the comments of another thread.

horsebadlydrawn's reply to jonald_fyookball:


My response to horsebadlydrawn.

There's not a single ounce of thought put into the possibility that these people (like _underwriter, Ryan etc) actually have legitimate reasons for making the decisions that they do, is there? You, in your omniscience just know that they are all, every single one, at best misguided and at worst corrupted individuals. Never mind that some of these people are clearly very smart, passionate, industrious people who until very recently were very much revered and celebrated by the community (and for some, even considered to be thought leaders); but that fact doesn't even register a blip on the radar now does it?

They're either under a spell, or mentally ill, or have something else wrong with them that makes them think that way. And of course now they are all suddenly incompetent, never really that good at what they did and we are just talking about them, because they are (and always were) completely irrelevant? If anything is palpable, it's the inability to self-reflect, and consider that not everything is as black and white as is portrayed by people such as yourself.

This demonization and character assassination of anyone with a different opinion, is exactly how cults behave. To be clear, I'm not saying /r/btc/ is a cult (inb4 the inevitable strawman), but in this respect, by demonizing previous allies, it is behaving in a similar way. Case in point, you, in your reply to jonald_fyookball are using the name "_underwear" in lieu of "_underwriter" and talking about his self-importance, arrogance, and insecurity, when the fact of the matter is that you have no idea who the fuck he actually is!!! Let that sink in for a moment.

The only very common thread I see is the thread where someone who was considered to be a benefit to the community is suddenly set upon by the same community that they helped, because they made up their own minds that there was either something wrong with the community, or something more attractive in a different one. That coupled with the absolute inability to self-reflect and use the opportunity to identify potential problems and improve and/or rectify them.

This is the same kind of thinking that has lead to the people in /r/bitcoin all worshipping the lightning network and at the same time willing to completely overlook the fact that it's a convoluted technical disaster. In /r/bitcoin anyone who agrees reinforces the hive mind, where as anyone who disagrees is baaaad and either ejected or made an example of. Alas, I see that same kind of idiotic mentality creeping into /r/btc.

This makes me wonder whether BCH is going to learn from these recent events and improve, or whether it's going to dig in and allow the precedents that have been set to slowly erode at the foundations of the community and project in general.

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