Sunday, November 18, 2018

Why I'm investing in IHT Real Estate Protocol and you should too - Part-5

Another week coming to its end but the bear does not seem to stop roaring soon. Bitcoin touched the lowest price in this year, probably taking a nap before the bull run. Once again greetings from the crypto community and congrats for being an early adopter of the blockchain. Double congrats to those who holding IHT tokens with long-term vision, becasue I know you'll make the profit you always wanted.

This is a series post and today I'm publishing part five. Here I try to explain why I believe i-House is a great project to invest if you are regular here, there is a good chance you already read my previous posts, if not you can take a look around IHT's Reddit sub for all the good posts from many users and supporters including me.

By far Bitcoin is the most accepted crypto till now, currently sitting in volatility in the market, though it is hard to predict how investors will react to the recent events. Once again, this week BTC warned and remind that it is not backed by anything, so the value depends only by investors reaction. So, if people think it is not worth enough, probably it can go down to zero value. However that is less likely to happen, but it is always good to invest in crypto that is backed by physical assets so that the price does not depend only on investors. Also, it holds the value of the assets and increases equity. At this point, i-House (IHT) is my favorite cryptocurrency that is fully backed by real estate assets. On the other hand, the development of this project never stopped, even never slowed down. The team behind IHT regularly creating new partnerships, participating meetups and conferences, bringing new ATO projects, working with different projects, publishing media article for better exposure. They bringing new opportunities to incentivize investors through a program like i-Hodl. Moreover, they are getting listed in new exchanges in every few months.

The key reason to invest in IHT: It's a combo investment opportunity. Investing in cryptocurrency and real estate industry at the same time with no additional costing.

I believe we are still in the early phase of investment, so if you are not involved yet, go get some IHT token while it is still cheap, it won't stay long. Welcome to the community.

Disclaimer: I'm just a fan and investor of IHT, you should do your own research before making a final decision. The opinions of this article are solely mine and not provided by any official team member.

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