Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Local Mom Discovers One Wierd Trick!

I have a developmental idea for a Privacy Assistant. Similiar to a Cortana or Alexa yet purely there to help the user out in terms of his anonymity and privacy.

This for one can help complete newcomers that are uninformed in the privacy world and need some assistance.

Two even if youre a veteran we all know Anonymity and Privacy are never ending task that require 100% focus everyday and no slip-ups in your opsec. This can be a reminder tool that reacts in real time to certain cues to help owner.

Obviously it would need to be pre-programmed for certain triggers and stored locally.

One implentation of it would be for instance when a... Fill in form pops up for a new website it would trigger the assistant reminding Owner to use a fake identity or for instance that hes already used this fake email perhaps try another.

Or maybe you try to click on yoir browser and your VPNs not connected. The assistant will trigger asking if youd like to connect before browsing.

Im sure you could think of a million more but these are just a few.

Also he should be able to give tips and guides to owner on perhaps how to mix bitcoin, best add ons for a browser, how to fake your death, how to sell counterfiet phones, how to properly setup a deep web drug market. The usual shit.

Also id like for him to be a miniature Grim Reaper with a friendly look to him and have blue or red eyes. And call him "Reaper".

Your personal privacy assistant.

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