Thursday, January 30, 2020

Blockchain Development Mega Guide

I know you all just wanna read about the price but for any of you who want to learn more about the development side: I thought I'd share some of the cool sh*t I've found on the web.

Getting started

Blockchain Development Mega Guide (Medium Article)


How to become a blockchain developer
I don't know why they chose javascript to demonstrate lol, but otherwise, this is a solid guide!
Site is kinda ugly, but packed with information about cryptography, with demonstrations and code.
The bitcoin wiki developer page.

Free courses

These are about understanding more than programming but... It's a decent start.

Blockchain Technology - Berkley
Bitcoin and Blockchain - Khan Academy
Cryptography Course - Stanford
Blockchain Fundamentals - Plural sight
Blockchain Principles and Practices - Plural sight
Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies - Linux Foundation
Introduction to FinTech - Hong Kong University

What the Guides don't tell you...

There are a good few things these guides don't tell you. These aren't hard concepts but are often glossed over or replaced with a more convenient learning example.

...about mining

In practice, mining isn't really about looking for a hash starting with serval '0' bits. Mining actually requires finding a hash that has a numerical value is less than a target hash (this results in a number of '0' bits). That target hash can be calculated from the difficulty. Bitcoin wiki page on difficulty.

//pseudo code hash = sha256(block) if big_endian(hash) < big_endian(target_hash): mined = true

...about adjusting difficulty

Difficulty must be adjusted to keep up with the changing hash rate of the network (to keep a block time of say 10 mins). The easiest way is to adjust the current target based on how much faster or longer it took to mine X blocks.

``` //pseudo code
target_hash = big_endian(diff_to_target(difficulty))
quotient = epoch_duration / expected_duration
new_target_hash = target_hash * quotient

difficulty = target_to_diff(new_target_hash)

I will add more to this when I get a chance

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