Thursday, February 25, 2021

If EVERYONE in the world knew exactly what was happening right now (the beginnings of a shift from one monetary system to another) it would be the best chance at fairly balancing wealth again amongst the people.

I see a lot of posts these days looking at both the positives and negatives of such large Institutional investment coming into Bitcoin.
As we move closer towards mass adoption it’s great to see the positive impact an increased volume/market cap provides with more stability to everyone’s investments.. zoom out I’m talking long term.

But it’s also sad to see a vast majority of the working class and lower income earners among us not taking this opportunity to benefit themselves and their futures.

I understand people’s frustration when they see more and more Institutions buying up large sums of Bitcoin sending the price up further but this is just merely the beginnings of a much greater move over to the new monetary system. Unfortunately if the smaller class (like myself) don’t take the opportunity to become informed and be a part of it at this early stage then it’s not the systems fault but their own.

I’m just being honest about what I’m seeing and I mean no disrespect to anyone. Its just frustrating to see opportunity lost as it would be such a wonderful thing to have this once in a lifetime event being used and embraced by everyone for a better chance at improving their own positions and future lives.

Satoshis dream.... what a legend!

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