Saturday, February 20, 2021

Just Some Thoughts on The State of Tarkov and The Player Base

TL/DR: This game isn't hard and we as a player base is making it hard.

DISCLAIMER I don't have a bitcoin farm up at all and I am a lvl 37 with a 60mil Ruble stash of which 10mil is liquid and a 48% Survival Rate and play 2-3 hours 4-5 days a week mostly playing solo and This is going to be a wall of text.

First off I would like to thank BSG for all the hard work they have been putting in and please keep it up you are making an awesome game many enjoy and love . This game has been getting better and better over time unlike other games that just crowd fund for ships for example. Are there issues that need to be fixed and improvements that need to be made yes and I know you all are working on them. People need to chill and not expect things to change in an instant.

Now with that out of the way this is what I am going to talk about/rant on: The State of Tarkov and US as a player base.

First off on the FUEL CRISIS. Personally I don't have an issue with it. It is forcing me to loot drawers and raid maps I normally wouldn't go to. As you can tell I am a big fan of Reserve by my name. Now I am going to interchange, customs, and shoreline more. I can find fuel or find barter items to trade for fuel in those locations. With that being said we as a player base just need to calm and stop demanding a patch note for every item drop chance change, barter change, and change to the hide outs. I think this type of dynamic event that is being tested and unpredictability of the changes can add so much more to the game. We as humans tend to like predictability but unpredictability in this nature makes the game have more depth.

Now on to the bigger Issue that I see many in the player base complaining about. The price of Bitcoins and the "effect on game play". I do agree with BSGs change to the bitcoin farm rates and I think that can be tweaked a little bit more on the longer side but over all if someone farms up 50 G-cards and is printing passive money. I commend them. That takes a lot of time and work to get at. Yes they can afford Slicks and META guns but you can too if you put in the work. With bitcoin aside it is ridiculously easy to farm rubles in this game in its current state and the previous wipes. You just need to be SMART about it. PICK AND CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTS. I can't tell you how many times I have chosen a bad time to start a fight or have been on the other side. Don't try to play this game like COD or LVNDMARK and expect to be a god and walk out with loot because you are going to have a bad time. Look up maps take time to learn how long it takes to run from point a to point b on a map. EDUCATE YOURSELF, google is a wonderful tool use it.

As a symptom of the price of bitcoins Far Far too many people are complaining about people now playing "thin" and running as hachet runners. I view them as easy targets. I see a hatchet/Thin boi I'm blasting them bc its a low rise free dogtag towards my next barter. This brings me to being smart about getting money in the game. This game is all about smarts and a little High Risk for High Reward. You don't need to rush marked, drop, techlite, or 301 west wing to make money. You can go to the areas players go to 2nd or third and snag up the loot there. A lot of better players put out guides on how to make money and while some cover the High value areas other cover routes that are not hot zones (AKA Pestily) Everything in life and in this game is TRADE OFFS. This patch/wipe feels exactly the same as last as far as the gearing of players goes. Yes some matches I just See all THICC bois with cannons and other I tend to find more pistolings but overall it feels the same as other wipes. Also if you blast a hachet runner that has a Graphics Card/ fuel tank/ Ledx Guess what he cant sell it on the Flea and make that good money if he has it up his/her bunghole.


This is something we as a player base has a direct control over and need to take ownership of. WE ARE THE CAUSE OF IT not BSG AND MOST OF US IN THE PLAYERBASE IS IGNORANT ON IT WHEN WE COMPLAIN ABOUT IT. So here is a little education on the current state of hacking with out breaking the rules. Most People that make the hacks are now having to resort to making programs that require the hacker to use 2 computers on the same network or a virtual machine. This is VERY VERY hard to detect. Now the people making them are going to vast extremes to provide hacks to a willing and paying player base. The sad thing is ALOT of people are paying money for these. Some hacks out in the wild ARE THE REASON WHY WE HAVE SUCH BAD DESYNC. We need to just keep up and report the people we suspect that are hacking as it is working two major programs were detected last week and a banwave happened. ALSO PLAYING FOR RUBLES is another huge cause of the issue. DONT PAY FOR RUBLES. Money is easy to make in this game. Make it while playing it.

Complaining about other players play(ing) style needs to stop.

Who cares if they are THICC, Hatchet running, sit in a bush, crouched in a sniper tower, camping an exit and killed you. Dying sucks we know get over it. Linear game play is boring games like this that have natural choke points should bring red flags to any seasoned FPS player. As I said before PLAY SMART. If you die it isn't the end of the world. Take a second to stop and think what could i have done differently.

FOR THE NEWER PLAYERS there is a lot of Resources out there for you. There are plenty of discords that have players that will sherpa you about bc they enjoy doing that. Look up guides on youtube and on google. Play with friends and make new friends.

EVERYONE DONT FORGET to just have fun and we are live testing the game.

Also I'm sorry my English is crap.

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