Saturday, May 29, 2021

Coins that will survive between now and the Next bullrun

Starting typing this out as a response to a different post but had so much fun typing this all out I wanted to make a post out of it and Get other people to join in on the FUN.

Here's what I got so far. Feel free to comment about any other or one of the coins below about why you think they will or wont survive. (List excludes ETH, BTC, and Stable coins)

  1. BNB - Its almost "too big to fail" at this point, despite its not actually being decentralized (arguably its biggest flaw). Love it or Hate it, BNB is an integral part of the crypto ecosystem and barring some catastrophic event/incident I would be willing to bet it will still be around in the future.
  2. ADA – This is another one of those coins that people either love or hate. The main criticism levied at it is that “it doesn’t even offer smart contracts.” However, if Charles Hoskinson and co. can deliver on their plans for this year that criticism’s days are numbered. With such a dedicated development team, very SOLID fundamentals, and a team of crypto *super stars* behind its development, its very hard too see this coin not being around for the foreseeable future.
  3. DOGE- Arguably the only coin with more fervent supporters than ADA and ETH. Love it or Hate it (and most us here hate it) this coin has withstood the test of time. It has almost never dropped Below 27 Satoshi’s in value and looking at a BTC/DOGE chart it has spent most of its time above it. Maybe it wont ever catapult to the value of 0.00001260BTC (1260 satoshis) ever again, but like it or not dogecoin will likely be here to stay*.
  4. XRP- This coin is easily runner up to DOGE regarding coins in the top 10 that receive a lot of flak from this subreddit. XRP is the antithesis of a cryptocurrency. Its centralized highly centralized and essentially “pre-minted.” You can leavy all the criticisms at this coin that you want, but again like DOGE it was managed to withstand the test of time and achieve a valuation much higher than many of here think its worth. The only thing I could see bringing this coin down would if the SEC’s investigation resulted in a catastrophic/extreme outcome.
  5. DOT- Polkadot doesn’t have any haters, but it also doesn’t seem to have a lot of die-hard supporters either. Its technical are Very SOLID and with the proliferation of crypto currencies, a solid project that can develop interchain operability is deeply needed. However one question remains, is there room in the crypto market for multiple interchain blockchains. With competitors like Chainlink and Cosmos and many other, can DOT truly survive the test of time. Out of all the coins in the Top ten this is one of two coins I believe has the highest chance of “failing out”
  6. UNI- This is the second “coin” I think has the potential of “failing out” sometime before the next bull run occurs. ETH’s insane gas fees are already a major stumbling block for ALL DeFi platforms that run on Ethereum’s net. To make matters worse it always feels like every single DeFi platform is one hack or one vulnerability away from spiraling out of control. If UNI plays its cards right it could maintain its powerful position for years to come**. However one misstep could send it crashing into oblivion.
  7. BCH- Does this coin really NEED to exist? Remember this coin reached 4000$ during the peak of the last bull run. It has since Struggled to regain the height that it once Achieved. While might not ever become a “DUST” coin, I don’t believe that BCH will be an ever present force during the next bull run.
  8. LTC- A coin that no-one loves to hate, this coin has a soft spot in many of our hearts, especially among those of us who were in the cyrpto-space when basically your only two were BTC and LTC. Its Having survived almost as long as BTC has its difficult to ever see LTC as going away anytime soon. However, its status as Silver to Bitcoin’s Gold is long behind it, and although it may never “fail out” I could very easily see its influence waning between now and the next bull run.
    *survival of DOGE is ultimately dependent on the one whale wallet controlling 28% of all doge not pulling the rug on the entire cryptocurrency.
    **Uniswap success in years to come ultimately dependent on ETH2.0 Succeeding and EIP1559 successfully brining down transaction fees.

EDIT: this is not an all inclusive list, I literally started at the top of coin market cap and went down in descending order until I got bored. Just cause I left it out doesn’t mean I think till fail/or succeed also this is just one persons opinion.

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